Up until a week or two ago, I would have said, no way. But circumstances are rapidly changing.
As I see it, three things are necessary to impeach.
First, a legal justificiation. Although I suspect that Bush knew a lot more about the Iraqi situation before he invaded than he let's on, so far, no hard evidence has come out showing that he purposefully launched a war of aggresssion, rather than the "pre emptive war" which he claims.
Second, political motivation. This is where big changes have come about recently. There is a consensus in the nation that we should be withdrawing from Iraq...slowly true...but withdrawing. However, Bush looks like he will adopt the neocon's "surge stategy" and will ignor the recommendations of his generals by sending tens of thousands of more troops to Iraq. If so, he record low approval ratings will plummet even lower.
Third, Republican defections. The Democrats are not strong enough to impeach Bush on their own--even if (1) and (2) come into full flower. Mathematics require that a sizable number of Republicans also switch to the pro-impeachment camp. However, if it is shown that Bush purposedly launched to war knowing there was no Iraqi threat, and if increased troop presence leads to increased casualties with no advancement towards victory, then this could happen too.
As I see it, three things are necessary to impeach.
First, a legal justificiation. Although I suspect that Bush knew a lot more about the Iraqi situation before he invaded than he let's on, so far, no hard evidence has come out showing that he purposefully launched a war of aggresssion, rather than the "pre emptive war" which he claims.
Second, political motivation. This is where big changes have come about recently. There is a consensus in the nation that we should be withdrawing from Iraq...slowly true...but withdrawing. However, Bush looks like he will adopt the neocon's "surge stategy" and will ignor the recommendations of his generals by sending tens of thousands of more troops to Iraq. If so, he record low approval ratings will plummet even lower.
Third, Republican defections. The Democrats are not strong enough to impeach Bush on their own--even if (1) and (2) come into full flower. Mathematics require that a sizable number of Republicans also switch to the pro-impeachment camp. However, if it is shown that Bush purposedly launched to war knowing there was no Iraqi threat, and if increased troop presence leads to increased casualties with no advancement towards victory, then this could happen too.