Originally posted by Pekka
How do you outlaw homelessness? Isn't that like a kick in the face? Umm you don't have a home? Here, let's go to jail, you criminal bastard!!
By outlawing it would indicate that the state has the obligation to give accomodation to homeless people, which doesn't sound like a bad idea either.
How do you outlaw homelessness? Isn't that like a kick in the face? Umm you don't have a home? Here, let's go to jail, you criminal bastard!!
By outlawing it would indicate that the state has the obligation to give accomodation to homeless people, which doesn't sound like a bad idea either.
If you break the rules by getting drunk, not showing up for your counciling or AA meeting, or similiar then you get kicked out of the program for some set length of time (typically 3 months for the first offense, 6 for the second, a year for the third, etc...) and you can't stay at the transitional house. There are then homeless shelters where these people can stay over night but during the day they must leave. You can be banned from a homeless shelter for fighting, doing drugs, or other such misbehavior.
Typically the ones you see on the streets are the ones who have already been kicked out of both of the transitional house and the temperary homeless shelters. They can't/won't follow the rules and choose to live on the streets instead of becoming sober or dealing with the issues they have. Those are the people the cops ticket for vagrancy, for illegal camping, and for loitering. The goal is to get these people to either leave the city or to convence them that their current choices are so bad that they really do need to do what it takes to stay in one of the transitional programs. It's tough love and for some people that's the only type of help that works.