Quoting from the Somalia UIC vs. Ethiopia thread, in response to Shiva asserting that the northies forced the southies to the south:
Why is it then that the purest forms of the Vedic religion (the supposedly Arya religion) are practised in the South, even when the North could not preserve them in the face of Muslim attacks? Why is it that all our great heroes are dark-skinned (Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Vishna, everyone is dark-skinned)? Why have most of the later Great Hindu people come out of the South (Adi Shankara, Ramanuja, et al)?
I'd say that there was no invasion. But if you want to draw sustenance from this delusional fantasy, go right ahead. If that is the line you take, I'll prove to you that the South and North conquered each other simultaneously, thus making the whole divisiveness thing pointless.
The South conquered because its ideals of God (the trinity of B-V-M) conquered and supplanted the older Indra bunch and by preaching the purest forms of the Arya religion, whereas the North conquered by making its texts and ideals the standards under which the South could accomplish this. All the major Arya gods become dark-skinned, and all the South became the bastion of pure Hinduism.
So drawing distinctions now is meaningless - both have formed one unified culture, in which neither has lost anything of their past reverences, nor have there been any real racial conflicts (Indians are really one race, genetically, and the so-called differences between Arya and Dravida have been shown to be non-existent).
What's the Lord's opinion?
Why is it then that the purest forms of the Vedic religion (the supposedly Arya religion) are practised in the South, even when the North could not preserve them in the face of Muslim attacks? Why is it that all our great heroes are dark-skinned (Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Vishna, everyone is dark-skinned)? Why have most of the later Great Hindu people come out of the South (Adi Shankara, Ramanuja, et al)?
I'd say that there was no invasion. But if you want to draw sustenance from this delusional fantasy, go right ahead. If that is the line you take, I'll prove to you that the South and North conquered each other simultaneously, thus making the whole divisiveness thing pointless.
The South conquered because its ideals of God (the trinity of B-V-M) conquered and supplanted the older Indra bunch and by preaching the purest forms of the Arya religion, whereas the North conquered by making its texts and ideals the standards under which the South could accomplish this. All the major Arya gods become dark-skinned, and all the South became the bastion of pure Hinduism.
So drawing distinctions now is meaningless - both have formed one unified culture, in which neither has lost anything of their past reverences, nor have there been any real racial conflicts (Indians are really one race, genetically, and the so-called differences between Arya and Dravida have been shown to be non-existent).