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The peace-loving Indian Muslim

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  • The peace-loving Indian Muslim

    The following snippet I came across at FFI, and it just made me go WTF! I hadn't expected that Zakir Naik would go to this extent. And the Indian police do nothing!

    codegangster is a friend of FFI. He posed as someone interested in Islam and Jihad. The Muslim with whom he chatted unabashedly claimed that Zakir Naik is running a terrorist training camp where young Muslims are indoctrinated and taught how to use guns and explosives and then sent home to wait for the call.

    codegangster (8:56:07 AM): asalamualikum wa rahamatullah
    beeran_koya2001 (8:56:21 AM): wa alaikum asslam
    codegangster (8:56:31 AM): im not a muslim
    codegangster (8:56:34 AM): but want to be one
    codegangster (8:56:37 AM): how ?
    codegangster (8:56:44 AM): i wanna fight for morality in world
    codegangster (8:56:53 AM): women are becoming more and more awful
    codegangster (8:56:59 AM): i wanna kill them all
    beeran_koya2001 (8:57:05 AM): where are u from?
    codegangster (8:57:08 AM): india
    codegangster (8:57:10 AM): n u?
    beeran_koya2001 (8:57:36 AM): india
    beeran_koya2001 (8:57:39 AM): whjere in india
    codegangster (8:57:46 AM): chennai
    codegangster (8:57:47 AM): madras
    codegangster (8:57:49 AM): u know?
    beeran_koya2001 (8:57:56 AM): so u can go to ur mullah in the mosque and he will help u
    beeran_koya2001 (8:58:02 AM): u can recite the shahada
    beeran_koya2001 (8:58:12 AM): "la ilaha illallah muhammadu rasoolullah"
    codegangster (8:58:17 AM): well instead of going to a mullah can i do it myself
    codegangster (8:58:21 AM): i know lots about islam
    codegangster (8:58:26 AM): i know shahdha
    beeran_koya2001 (8:58:26 AM): yes
    beeran_koya2001 (8:58:36 AM): it is possibler. but better to have some witness also
    beeran_koya2001 (8:58:54 AM): in the mosque after juma prayer
    beeran_koya2001 (8:59:00 AM): and they will bless u
    codegangster (8:59:07 AM): ok sure
    codegangster (8:59:17 AM): can u tell me about jihad
    codegangster (8:59:22 AM): if its good i too want to go for it
    codegangster (8:59:40 AM): well its holy war for allah
    beeran_koya2001 (8:59:42 AM): jihad is fighting for the cause of allah to spread islam around the world
    codegangster (8:59:44 AM): but brief me about it
    codegangster (9:00:08 AM): i want to undergo training
    beeran_koya2001 (9:00:12 AM): the reward for jihad is enormnous
    codegangster (9:00:24 AM): i just want the love and blessings of allah
    codegangster (9:00:35 AM): will do anything for that
    beeran_koya2001 (9:01:04 AM): allah has promised us pure virgin hooris in jannat., this is only for the shaheed (those who died in jihad) . that is becos they are sacrificing everything in this world (including their family, pleasures everything) to go for jihad
    beeran_koya2001 (9:01:33 AM): there is no better way to earn the pleasure and blessing of allah than to go for jihad
    codegangster (9:01:51 AM): yeah
    codegangster (9:02:01 AM): i wanna server at the feet of allah
    codegangster (9:02:05 AM): tell me what should i do
    codegangster (9:02:18 AM): *serve
    beeran_koya2001 (9:02:37 AM): just give ur address and 1 photo and send to
    beeran_koya2001 (9:02:47 AM): write "jihad t raining" in subject line
    codegangster (9:03:02 AM): ok
    beeran_koya2001 (9:03:05 AM): the training is organised by IRF president dr zakir naik
    codegangster (9:03:12 AM): sure he is a gr8 scholar
    beeran_koya2001 (9:03:24 AM): insha allah he will send u ticket to come to mumbai or bangalore
    beeran_koya2001 (9:03:36 AM): then accommodation and food for 4 months will be free
    codegangster (9:03:43 AM): oh
    beeran_koya2001 (9:03:45 AM): yes. very gifted scholar
    codegangster (9:03:55 AM): im a very strong guy
    codegangster (9:03:59 AM): a state level boxer
    codegangster (9:04:02 AM): may be im useful
    codegangster (9:04:07 AM): for this
    beeran_koya2001 (9:04:25 AM): lol
    beeran_koya2001 (9:04:25 AM): yes.
    beeran_koya2001 (9:04:30 AM): ur strength is not important
    codegangster (9:04:37 AM): alhamdulillah he gave everything
    beeran_koya2001 (9:04:38 AM): u know what happened in badr battle???
    codegangster (9:04:44 AM): tell me
    beeran_koya2001 (9:04:51 AM): muslims were outnumbered but still we won that battle
    codegangster (9:04:59 AM): yeah
    beeran_koya2001 (9:05:04 AM): thats becos allah sent down angels who fought alongside us
    beeran_koya2001 (9:05:13 AM): so dont worry. help will come from allah
    codegangster (9:05:22 AM): but allah has given enough strength in our bodies to fight for him
    codegangster (9:05:27 AM): sure
    beeran_koya2001 (9:05:31 AM): yes
    codegangster (9:05:50 AM): if i have doubts about prayer ...fasting...customs \to whom should i mail?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:06:11 AM): u can ask the local imam
    beeran_koya2001 (9:06:18 AM): is there conversion place in ur town?
    codegangster (9:06:36 AM): brother the local imam is an *******...he doesnt even know upto the extent i know
    beeran_koya2001 (9:06:45 AM): ok
    codegangster (9:06:49 AM): i want to do all the things on my own
    beeran_koya2001 (9:06:54 AM): then u can ask dr zakir naik
    codegangster (9:06:54 AM): any online help?
    codegangster (9:06:59 AM): how to mail him?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:07:03 AM): yes
    beeran_koya2001 (9:07:09 AM):
    beeran_koya2001 (9:07:11 AM):
    codegangster (9:07:23 AM): no im asking how to mail dr.naik?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:07:40 AM):
    beeran_koya2001 (9:07:53 AM): write zakir naik in subject line
    codegangster (9:08:22 AM): sure thanks brother
    codegangster (9:08:25 AM): ALLAH HAFIZ
    beeran_koya2001 (9:08:33 AM): allah hafiz
    codegangster (9:08:39 AM): people are always talking bad about prophet y is that?
    codegangster (9:08:51 AM): they take his marriage with ayesha and call him pedophile
    codegangster (9:08:54 AM): y so?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:08:54 AM): they are making this up
    beeran_koya2001 (9:09:01 AM): dont believe anything that u hear
    beeran_koya2001 (9:09:07 AM): the prophet was the best man that lived
    codegangster (9:09:22 AM): yeah
    codegangster (9:09:31 AM): any online resources about prophet?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:10:28 AM): yes
    beeran_koya2001 (9:10:33 AM): u can read sirat rasoolullah
    beeran_koya2001 (9:10:38 AM): al-tabari
    codegangster (9:10:40 AM): from which site?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:10:40 AM): etc
    beeran_koya2001 (9:10:40 AM): sahih bukhari
    codegangster (9:10:44 AM): i have hadiths
    beeran_koya2001 (9:10:50 AM): give me ur address i will send u some books
    codegangster (9:10:55 AM): i want al-tabari and ibn ishaq's sirat rasulullah
    beeran_koya2001 (9:10:59 AM): i have some books
    codegangster (9:11:05 AM): e-books?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:11:19 AM): i dont think it is availbale
    beeran_koya2001 (9:11:24 AM): u can find in islamic library
    codegangster (9:11:29 AM): actually my friend has those books
    codegangster (9:11:35 AM): ok will borrow them
    codegangster (9:11:36 AM): :d
    codegangster (9:11:45 AM): ur from india brother beeran?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:12:04 AM): yes
    codegangster (9:12:25 AM): from mumbai?
    codegangster (9:12:33 AM): u know anyone from chennai?
    codegangster (9:12:41 AM): if u know it will be of gr8 help to me
    beeran_koya2001 (9:12:51 AM): no i dont know
    codegangster (9:13:03 AM): ur from which city?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:13:07 AM): yeah in chennai
    beeran_koya2001 (9:13:14 AM): u know sun tv office?
    codegangster (9:13:17 AM): yes
    beeran_koya2001 (9:13:33 AM): near there u can find the big juma masjid mosque
    codegangster (9:13:37 AM): yeah
    beeran_koya2001 (9:13:45 AM): go there
    codegangster (9:13:51 AM): then?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:13:54 AM): tell my name
    codegangster (9:13:56 AM): can i convert secretly there?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:14:10 AM): basheer sifddiqui
    codegangster (9:14:22 AM): bahseer siddiqui?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:14:37 AM): u have to see mr nawaz faisal
    beeran_koya2001 (9:14:47 AM): tell him u are friend of basheer
    codegangster (9:14:51 AM): sure
    codegangster (9:14:55 AM): wil he convert me?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:15:04 AM): thru internet. i will explain to him. i will send him email
    codegangster (9:15:10 AM): thanks
    codegangster (9:15:13 AM): wots ur mail ID
    beeran_koya2001 (9:15:15 AM): ok
    codegangster (9:15:19 AM): mine is
    codegangster (9:15:26 AM): add me to ur messenger
    codegangster (9:16:45 AM): what kind of training will be given?
    codegangster (9:16:56 AM): should i prepare anything special for jihad training?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:17:03 AM): no
    codegangster (9:17:10 AM): what kind of training will be given?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:17:10 AM): u will be taught how to do da'wa
    beeran_koya2001 (9:17:23 AM): and them some basic jihad training.
    codegangster (9:17:34 AM): thats what brother what kind of basic jihad training?
    codegangster (9:17:44 AM): shooting and climbing?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:17:51 AM): yes all that
    beeran_koya2001 (9:17:57 AM): climbing, swimming
    beeran_koya2001 (9:18:02 AM): all survival tactics
    codegangster (9:18:15 AM): how about usage of weapons?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:18:28 AM): weapons will come later
    beeran_koya2001 (9:18:32 AM): last month
    codegangster (9:18:40 AM): wow
    beeran_koya2001 (9:18:46 AM): armed rifles, shotguns, hand grenades etc
    beeran_koya2001 (9:18:54 AM): its very interesting
    codegangster (9:18:58 AM): in which group should i join after training?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:19:16 AM): no need to join. they will call u if we need men
    beeran_koya2001 (9:19:25 AM): otherwise u can go back home and join ur work
    codegangster (9:19:40 AM): oh no
    codegangster (9:19:55 AM): i thought i will be full time involved in it
    codegangster (9:20:07 AM): so how can i involve myself in islamic activities?
    beeran_koya2001 (9:20:09 AM): if u want full time they can arrange that
    beeran_koya2001 (9:20:16 AM): but then u will be sent outside india
    codegangster (9:20:25 AM): sure i want to get out of india
    beeran_koya2001 (9:20:29 AM): but that is not needed, u can go back home
    codegangster (9:20:36 AM): oh ok
    codegangster (9:20:51 AM): if i had a chance i would meet osama
    beeran_koya2001 (9:21:02 AM): ok
    beeran_koya2001 (9:21:03 AM): insha allah
    codegangster (9:21:12 AM): i like his appearance and i heard his arabic is very very pure and classical
    beeran_koya2001 (9:21:20 AM): i don’t know
    codegangster (9:21:39 AM): ok bashir brother will mail u in a couple of days
    codegangster (9:21:45 AM): ALLAH HAFIZ...c u for now
    beeran_koya2001 (9:22:02 AM): ok
    beeran_koya2001 (9:22:04 AM): allah hafiz

  • #2

    codegangster contacted the Indian police but they did not respond. This is very unfortunate because India is a target of Islamic terrorism and many people have lost their lives or were maimed by it.

    Disclaimer: To save myself from a possible lawsuit, I must add that although I know 'codegangster' and have no doubt that this chat has actually taken place, I cannot verify the claim made by beeran_koya2001 and do not personally accuse Dr. Naik of running such a camp. However since Dr. Naik believes every Muslim should be a terrorist, I can't dismiss the possibility of that either.

    The following is another chat between the same persons. Here beeran_koya2001 gives a couple names and telephone numbers to contact and claims that the entire operation is legal and licensed by the the government. If this is so then there is no harm in publishing something that is legal and approved by the government.

    beeran_koya2001 (6:44:34 PM): r u there?

    beeran_koya2001 (6:44:38 PM): why said bad things about islam

    beeran_koya2001 (6:45:50 PM): u

    codegangster (6:45:58 PM): wot?

    beeran_koya2001 (6:46:14 PM): why u said bad abpout islam

    beeran_koya2001 (6:46:27 PM): ui have to ask for tawbah

    beeran_koya2001 (6:46:30 PM): repent to allah now

    beeran_koya2001 (6:46:36 PM): otherwise i will not leave u

    codegangster (6:47:13 PM): u will not leave me?

    beeran_koya2001 (6:47:16 PM): i will kill u with my own hands if u iinsult islam

    codegangster (6:47:20 PM): wot will u do to me?

    beeran_koya2001 (6:47:23 PM): no.

    beeran_koya2001 (6:47:31 PM): say sorry now to allah and his messenger

    codegangster (6:47:46 PM): how will u kill me?

    codegangster (6:47:48 PM): may i know?

    beeran_koya2001 (6:47:56 PM): i will report u to mullah. insha allah he will issue fatwah for ur death

    codegangster (6:48:16 PM): )

    codegangster (6:48:18 PM): he cant

    beeran_koya2001 (6:48:30 PM): yes

    codegangster (6:48:30 PM): which country mullah?:P

    beeran_koya2001 (6:48:39 PM): chennai

    codegangster (6:48:42 PM): =))

    codegangster (6:48:50 PM): police will kill the mullah before he kills me:P

    beeran_koya2001 (6:49:17 PM): no.

    beeran_koya2001 (6:49:19 PM): we have power

    codegangster (6:49:22 PM): u dont have

    beeran_koya2001 (6:49:30 PM): dont be fool. say the tawbah now and i will let u go

    codegangster (6:49:35 PM): u cant kill me

    codegangster (6:49:39 PM): and know something

    beeran_koya2001 (6:49:43 PM): u have to say shahada once more

    codegangster (6:49:46 PM): INDIA is a secular country

    beeran_koya2001 (6:49:51 PM): ur faith is weak

    beeran_koya2001 (6:50:04 PM): no., india will be islamic insha allah by 2020

    beeran_koya2001 (6:50:10 PM): just watch

    codegangster (6:50:20 PM): =)) it can never be

    codegangster (6:50:26 PM): keep dreaming

    beeran_koya2001 (6:50:45 PM): no.

    beeran_koya2001 (6:50:52 PM): i am warning u and giving u one more chance

    beeran_koya2001 (6:50:56 PM): repent now

    codegangster (6:51:00 PM): warning me?

    beeran_koya2001 (6:51:03 PM): to allah and his messenger

    codegangster (6:51:12 PM): hey i can have that mullah arrested by police

    codegangster (6:51:25 PM): stop playing:P

    beeran_koya2001 (6:51:38 PM): no,

    codegangster (6:51:50 PM): )

    beeran_koya2001 (6:52:02 PM): i swear by allah if i get u now i ill tear u to million pieces with my bare hands

    codegangster (6:52:17 PM): ok thanks

    codegangster (6:52:18 PM): tear me

    beeran_koya2001 (6:52:30 PM): u can fool me and brother zakir naik but u cant fool allah and his messenger

    beeran_koya2001 (6:52:31 PM): u know that

    beeran_koya2001 (6:52:43 PM): tell me ur address in chennai

    beeran_koya2001 (6:52:46 PM): u bastard

    codegangster (6:52:55 PM): beeran be polite

    codegangster (6:53:14 PM): infact hindus must kill muslims for what muslims have done to INDIA in the past and in kashmir

    codegangster (6:53:19 PM): but they are polite

    codegangster (6:53:23 PM): y r u so wild?

    beeran_koya2001 (6:53:38 PM): no. we dont respect anyone who does not believe in allah and his messenger

    beeran_koya2001 (6:53:44 PM): first believe in allah

    beeran_koya2001 (6:53:57 PM): then we will respect u and be polite

    codegangster (6:53:58 PM): is it?

    beeran_koya2001 (6:54:00 PM): undrstand

    codegangster (6:54:05 PM): i wont respect u too

    beeran_koya2001 (6:54:06 PM): yes

    codegangster (6:54:07 PM): do whatever u can

    beeran_koya2001 (6:54:21 PM): u hindus and christians and buddhists are not humans

    beeran_koya2001 (6:54:29 PM): u are animals according to islam.

    beeran_koya2001 (6:54:35 PM): u are filthy.u are najis

    codegangster (6:54:39 PM): ok

    beeran_koya2001 (6:54:41 PM): why should we respect u

    codegangster (6:54:42 PM): we dont care

    beeran_koya2001 (6:54:45 PM): comvert to islam first

    codegangster (6:54:50 PM): coz we are developing at a rapid pace

    beeran_koya2001 (6:54:50 PM): allahu akbar

    beeran_koya2001 (6:54:59 PM): allahu akbar

    beeran_koya2001 (6:55:00 PM): allahui akbar

    codegangster (6:55:02 PM): u remain illiterates and blow up urselves

    beeran_koya2001 (6:55:13 PM): shut up

    beeran_koya2001 (6:55:21 PM): that is jihad

    beeran_koya2001 (6:55:23 PM): it is nt illiterac

    codegangster (6:55:25 PM): )

    beeran_koya2001 (6:55:36 PM): it shows our liove and devotion to allah and his messenger

    codegangster (6:55:43 PM): is it??? so u hate humanity

    codegangster (6:55:48 PM): dat shows ur not humans but animals

    beeran_koya2001 (6:56:06 PM): allahu akbar

    beeran_koya2001 (6:56:12 PM): we will destroy u kufaar

    beeran_koya2001 (6:56:20 PM): withion 10 years insha allahj

    beeran_koya2001 (6:56:36 PM): the whole world will be islamic

    codegangster (6:56:40 PM): ok beeran

    codegangster (6:56:49 PM): i shall be glad if that happens without any force

    beeran_koya2001 (6:57:03 PM): it will happen thru our jihad

    beeran_koya2001 (6:57:11 PM): thats why i called u for the training u fool

    beeran_koya2001 (6:57:19 PM): and u waisted that opportunity

    codegangster (6:57:35 PM): let me tell u something

    beeran_koya2001 (6:57:35 PM): there is still time for u

    beeran_koya2001 (6:57:41 PM): ok.

    codegangster (6:57:53 PM): i want to study well and make my parents happy by getting a good job

    codegangster (6:58:02 PM): parents first

    beeran_koya2001 (6:58:03 PM): oik.

    codegangster (6:58:05 PM): education next

    codegangster (6:58:07 PM): others last

    beeran_koya2001 (6:58:12 PM): but dont neglect ur religious duty also

    beeran_koya2001 (6:58:25 PM): what about jihad and the next life

    codegangster (6:58:26 PM): well man u promote arrogance

    codegangster (6:58:34 PM): ur not a peaceful muslim

    beeran_koya2001 (6:58:42 PM): what about the rewards allah has promised u in jannat

    beeran_koya2001 (6:58:58 PM): ALLAHU AKBAR

    codegangster (6:59:03 PM): ALLAH also said first respect mom n dad

    beeran_koya2001 (6:59:04 PM): thats our motto

    beeran_koya2001 (6:59:09 PM): no

    beeran_koya2001 (6:59:12 PM): first JIHAD

    beeran_koya2001 (6:59:19 PM): then comes everythiong else

    beeran_koya2001 (6:59:25 PM): understand

    codegangster (6:59:27 PM): u know something?

    codegangster (6:59:33 PM): i mailed

    codegangster (6:59:38 PM): with subject as jihad training

    beeran_koya2001 (6:59:39 PM): what?

    codegangster (6:59:41 PM): they never replied

    beeran_koya2001 (6:59:45 PM): no. u are lying

    codegangster (6:59:51 PM): no i mailed them

    beeran_koya2001 (6:59:56 PM): he wopuld have told me then

    beeran_koya2001 (7:00:04 PM): ok send me a copy NOW

    codegangster (7:00:07 PM): ok

    codegangster (7:00:11 PM): whats ur ID?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:00:12 PM): to

    beeran_koya2001 (7:00:21 PM): i will forward it to zakir bhai

    codegangster (7:00:37 PM): dont get me into risk mate

    codegangster (7:00:41 PM): im studying

    beeran_koya2001 (7:00:48 PM): it is not risky

    beeran_koya2001 (7:00:51 PM): leave it to me

    codegangster (7:00:52 PM): dont spoil my parent's dreams

    beeran_koya2001 (7:01:00 PM): and please forgive me for my outburst

    beeran_koya2001 (7:01:08 PM): i was angry becos u insulted islam

    beeran_koya2001 (7:01:24 PM): no. i know ur aspirations. i was also that age

    beeran_koya2001 (7:01:37 PM): asthagfirullah

    codegangster (7:01:44 PM): yes

    beeran_koya2001 (7:02:08 PM): send it now

    beeran_koya2001 (7:02:12 PM): im waiting

    codegangster (7:02:14 PM): yes wait

    codegangster (7:03:20 PM): sent

    beeran_koya2001 (7:03:40 PM): ok.

    beeran_koya2001 (7:03:43 PM): 1 sec let me check

    codegangster (7:03:48 PM): ok

    beeran_koya2001 (7:04:06 PM): i want to review it na thn send it to zakir bhai

    codegangster (7:04:22 PM): its just a couple of lines thats it

    beeran_koya2001 (7:06:55 PM): why r u using bad IDs?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:07:02 PM): put somethinbg islamic

    codegangster (7:07:16 PM): oh lol

    beeran_koya2001 (7:07:25 PM): what is this"code gangster??? killa jones???

    codegangster (7:07:36 PM): )

    codegangster (7:07:38 PM): :d

    beeran_koya2001 (7:07:39 PM): put spmething like muhamamd or ahmed

    codegangster (7:07:46 PM): i will put something like this

    beeran_koya2001 (7:07:48 PM): or muslim4life

    codegangster (7:08:01 PM): allah_blessed_me

    codegangster (7:08:02 PM):

    beeran_koya2001 (7:08:15 PM): oik

    beeran_koya2001 (7:08:17 PM): good brother

    beeran_koya2001 (7:08:19 PM): very good

    codegangster (7:08:23 PM): :d

    codegangster (7:08:58 PM): u've got the mail?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:09:30 PM): im checking itr

    beeran_koya2001 (7:09:35 PM): 1 sc

    beeran_koya2001 (7:09:46 PM): what is this???INFERNO???

    beeran_koya2001 (7:09:50 PM): what is this?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:09:57 PM): asthagfirullah

    codegangster (7:10:05 PM): )

    beeran_koya2001 (7:10:15 PM): ok . i read urtr mail

    beeran_koya2001 (7:10:27 PM): please include YOUR details

    beeran_koya2001 (7:10:48 PM): name, DOB, address, ph numbner,

    codegangster (7:10:53 PM): :-O

    beeran_koya2001 (7:11:18 PM): and insha allah brochure and air ticket will be couriered to u after fixing date for joining

    beeran_koya2001 (7:11:46 PM): if u want u can give it to me now

    beeran_koya2001 (7:11:54 PM): i will forward it to zakir bhai

    codegangster (7:12:14 PM): ok will talk to a friend and then will mail u

    codegangster (7:12:17 PM): with details

    beeran_koya2001 (7:12:30 PM): (022)2373 6875

    beeran_koya2001 (7:12:34 PM): this is mumbai number

    codegangster (7:12:45 PM): whose number is this?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:12:55 PM): please call tomorrow morning and speak to brothr4 javid ansari

    beeran_koya2001 (7:13:02 PM): he will give u full details

    codegangster (7:13:11 PM): can i call him after 2 days?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:13:14 PM): no need to introduce urself.. i have told him about u

    codegangster (7:13:18 PM): because i met with an accident

    codegangster (7:13:22 PM): and haveing an injured leg

    codegangster (7:13:27 PM): got to visit the doctor

    beeran_koya2001 (7:13:30 PM): just tell him u are codegangster...username

    beeran_koya2001 (7:13:32 PM): he knows

    beeran_koya2001 (7:13:43 PM): no. call him tomorrow

    codegangster (7:13:43 PM): oh ok

    beeran_koya2001 (7:13:47 PM): and fix everything

    beeran_koya2001 (7:13:54 PM): u dont have to go tomorrrow baba

    beeran_koya2001 (7:13:58 PM): u can go anytim

    beeran_koya2001 (7:14:02 PM): just talk to him please

    codegangster (7:14:04 PM): can u give me more details about the training?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:14:07 PM): pakka call him

    beeran_koya2001 (7:14:19 PM): he will tll u everything

    codegangster (7:14:22 PM): ok i will try tomorrow

    beeran_koya2001 (7:14:24 PM): javed ansari

    beeran_koya2001 (7:14:28 PM): good

    codegangster (7:14:30 PM): javed ansari

    codegangster (7:14:31 PM): ok

    codegangster (7:14:33 PM): nice name

    beeran_koya2001 (7:14:41 PM): (022) 2373 6875...mumbai number

    codegangster (7:14:51 PM): ok

    codegangster (7:15:13 PM): can u now spend some time in briefing me about the training and what its results are?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:15:26 PM): (022) 2373 6879 --munawwar syed

    beeran_koya2001 (7:15:32 PM): u can talk to him also if u like

    codegangster (7:15:39 PM): sure

    beeran_koya2001 (7:15:41 PM): iuts very easy yaar

    beeran_koya2001 (7:15:51 PM): 3 months training

    beeran_koya2001 (7:16:09 PM): 1st month will be dawa techniques with brothr zakir naik

    beeran_koya2001 (7:16:21 PM): 2nd month onwarrrd u will go on field

    beeran_koya2001 (7:16:37 PM): basic survival tactics

    beeran_koya2001 (7:16:55 PM): 3rd month will be intensive land combat techniques

    beeran_koya2001 (7:17:10 PM): 4th mnth(if required) will be explosives handling

    codegangster (7:17:39 PM): who will give these weaponry handling training?

    codegangster (7:17:46 PM): and combat training?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:17:52 PM): they have trained masters

    beeran_koya2001 (7:18:02 PM): good safety record,.nothing to worry

    codegangster (7:18:10 PM): where will i stay in that period?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:18:23 PM): accomodation is arranged

    beeran_koya2001 (7:18:32 PM): u will stay at our compuind in tandell streel

    beeran_koya2001 (7:18:35 PM): dongri, mumbai

    beeran_koya2001 (7:18:38 PM): food is free

    codegangster (7:18:43 PM): ok

    codegangster (7:19:05 PM): after this?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:19:43 PM): after this u will be posted somewhere

    codegangster (7:19:53 PM): posted as what?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:20:05 PM): jihadi of course

    codegangster (7:20:23 PM): how about my studies then?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:20:38 PM): i told u baba...u can come later

    beeran_koya2001 (7:20:49 PM): after training go back to studies

    codegangster (7:20:56 PM): oh pk

    beeran_koya2001 (7:20:58 PM): they will call u if they need more peple

    beeran_koya2001 (7:21:07 PM): right now there is no shortage

    codegangster (7:21:16 PM): oh ok

    codegangster (7:21:24 PM): the training takes place in mumbai?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:21:32 PM): yes

    codegangster (7:22:15 PM): this weaponry handling and all these stuff are they legal?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:22:41 PM): yes

    beeran_koya2001 (7:22:41 PM): 100 percent

    beeran_koya2001 (7:22:47 PM): they are all licenced weapons

    beeran_koya2001 (7:22:50 PM): govt of india approved

    codegangster (7:22:56 PM): how about training?

    beeran_koya2001 (7:23:06 PM): yes

    beeran_koya2001 (7:23:08 PM): it is legal

    beeran_koya2001 (7:23:11 PM): nothing to worry

    codegangster (7:23:14 PM): how come government allow such trainings

    beeran_koya2001 (7:23:48 PM): we have licence

    beeran_koya2001 (7:23:59 PM): if u want thy will send u a scan copy

    beeran_koya2001 (7:24:03 PM): ui can request to see it

    beeran_koya2001 (7:24:09 PM): call javed tomorrow

    codegangster (7:24:17 PM): ok sure

    beeran_koya2001 (7:25:09 PM): i have to go now

    beeran_koya2001 (7:25:11 PM): i will see u later

    beeran_koya2001 (7:25:15 PM): allah hafiz

    codegangster (7:25:17 PM): ok beeran take care byeee

    beeran_koya2001 (7:25:23 PM): bye

    beeran_koya2001 (7:25:28 PM):
    This is so utterly screwed up that I don't really know what to say. I hadn't thought that Indian Muslims would be so far gone. I knew that terrorists were active and were recruiting, but this is too much.


    • #3
      Nice. I know it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
      I suspect Asher to be a jihadist.

      On a somewhat related note, I read today where anti-American views have worsened in Jordan, Morocco and Lebanon, in all views except education.

      Oooh, well.

      Next time, get hold of me. I'd like to talk trash at them.
      I could use a laugh.
      Last edited by SlowwHand; December 15, 2006, 12:24.
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
      "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
      He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


      • #4


        • #5


          • #6


            • #7
              There should be an upper limit on post size.
              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Richelieu
                BS! Did you even read the post?


                • #9
                  I'm afraid this is what I have come to expect from muslim fundimentalists. It seems a fairly large and growing percentage of the muslim community has become radicalized and worse yet they are correct; that is they are indeed teaching exactly what is in the Koran.
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Verto
                    To us, it is the BEAST.


                    • #11
                      ffs, imo, wtf?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Geronimo

                        BS! Did you even read the post?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Richelieu



                          • #14
                            codegangster and the other guy should join the Apolyton chat room

                            Then we won't need to keep posting about chariot and ari.
                            DO NOT THAN DISPUT3 ON THEM 3XCAPT BY WAY OF AN 3XTARNAL DISPUTA!!!!11!! WTF


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Geronimo

                              Old dogs learning new tricks...

