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India: In 20 Years' Time, 10 Million Baby Girls Killed

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  • #46
    The sicko ironic thing is that, as India is breaking into the Information Age, gender makes no difference. The U.S. jobs which have been outsourced there can be done by women as well as men.


    • #47
      Originally posted by KrazyHorse
      Given that ten million represents 1% of India's population is this really relevant? If we accept that figure the GDP per capita is similar to what it would have been had all the females reached adulthood.
      I suppose from a strictly economic point of view, no, it's not an unbearable loss in economic potential. But who knows which one of those 10 million lost girls might have been the next (INSERT MAGNIFICENT TITLE FOLLOWED BY BREAKTHROUGH HERE)?

      Sorry, I couldn't resist.

      "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

      "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius


      • #48
        Originally posted by Zkribbler
        The sicko ironic thing is that, as India is breaking into the Information Age, gender makes no difference. The U.S. jobs which have been outsourced there can be done by women as well as men.
        I've found that it's impossible to characterise India. There are just too many conflicting things co-existing. In my college, for example, there are as many, or probably more, girls than males. And most of their parents are not the sort of people who would discriminate, and actively want their daughter to study as much as they like.

        But on the other hand, there is an absolutely brilliant child whose parents are opposed to her studying further than the undergrad level. She's so disillusioned that she says that she wants to do an MBA instead of pursuing what she wants. If her parents succeed, it'll be a phenomenal waste of talent.

