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A Society Without Need for Men (or at least their emotions and money)

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  • #61
    wtf is "ideology of men"?

    Please don't use the computer you're typing on, girls - it's the "technology of men".


    • #62
      *shrug* Perhaps the current belief that reason and rationality are good tools for constructing ethical theories. During the height of the feminist movement there was a push for the "ethics of caring" which took into account not reason and rationality but the idea that we are based on our emotions, and so our morality should be too.

      Male = rational
      Female = emotional

      See, it all makes sense.
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      "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


      • #63
        Originally posted by Az
        wtf is "ideology of men"?
        In the context of this discussion: Patriarchy. A society based on hierarchy, dominance and power maintained through the threat of violence ie. the world we live in today, as it has been shaped (and continues to be shaped) by men.

        This discussion doesn't really have anything to do with men and women specifically. Men do not have to be patriarchal and women can be a part of it. It is, however, something that has been initiated and perpetrated primarily by men, and it is based on concepts that are held as masculine and manly in our society. I have never said "all men" and have never attempted to say that men = this and women = that.
        Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

        Do It Ourselves


        • #64
          Originally posted by General Ludd
          In the context of this discussion: Patriarchy. A society based on hierarchy, dominance and power maintained through the threat of violence ie. the world we live in today, as it has been shaped (and continues to be shaped) by men.
          Most societies need strong consensual elements to exist for some time, and they aren't always enforced by violence or the threat of violence, so your "hierarchy, dominance and power maintained through the threat of violence" bit is just a somewhat distorted view on history. It's extremely one-sided, since without doubt the things you mentioned did happen, but they represent only a part of historic developments. In short, what you posted above is a classic half-truth.


          • #65
            , however, something that has been initiated and perpetrated primarily by men, and it is based on concepts that are held as masculine and manly in our society. I have never said "all men" and have never attempted to say that men = this and women = that.

            Yes you did. The mere fact that "these concepts are held as masculine and manly in our society" is meaningless, and so is that the concepts were perpetrated primarily by men. It's like speaking of modern global terror as a "muslim concept" ( and yes, the majority of modern global terror is perpetrated by muslims ).

            Btw, this discussion doesn't mean that hierarchy is always bad. Just that your particular point is ridiculous.

