Er, Spiff?
When you use a hammer instead of a fist, it's because you'd bruise your hand like all hell and accomplish nothing otherwise. When you saw a tree instead of using your teeth, it's because you're not a beaver and trying to chew a tree down would only ruin your mouth. Tools allow us to do things we often couldn't do at all otherwise. They weren't an especially "lazy" solution, as early hominids tended to make new tools every time they arrived at a new location rather than carry the old ones around. If you're using the word lazy to mean not wasting energy for no reason, well, that's not its usual meaning.
Darius: Agriculture involves much, much, MUCH more work than hunting and gathering. Hunter-gatherers have no responsibilities beyond keeping up with the group and moving with the seasons. And they can't support a large population, but a high-protein diet tends to lower fertility and H-G peoples have various means of population control, such as breast-feeding for an unusually long time. Anyway, we switched to agriculture out of necessity, during a very long drought at the end of the ice age.
When you use a hammer instead of a fist, it's because you'd bruise your hand like all hell and accomplish nothing otherwise. When you saw a tree instead of using your teeth, it's because you're not a beaver and trying to chew a tree down would only ruin your mouth. Tools allow us to do things we often couldn't do at all otherwise. They weren't an especially "lazy" solution, as early hominids tended to make new tools every time they arrived at a new location rather than carry the old ones around. If you're using the word lazy to mean not wasting energy for no reason, well, that's not its usual meaning.
Darius: Agriculture involves much, much, MUCH more work than hunting and gathering. Hunter-gatherers have no responsibilities beyond keeping up with the group and moving with the seasons. And they can't support a large population, but a high-protein diet tends to lower fertility and H-G peoples have various means of population control, such as breast-feeding for an unusually long time. Anyway, we switched to agriculture out of necessity, during a very long drought at the end of the ice age.