- "Which is bet'er, man or woman meself, Borat, or Bruno?"
- "Equality is not about being better."
- "Aye, for real, but one 'as got to be jus' a lit'le bi' bet'er."
- "Better in what sense?"
- "In the sense, like, somefing is worse, and somefing is bet'er."
Personally, as much as I like Borat and Bruno, the Ali G character remains my favourite.
- "Equality is not about being better."
- "Aye, for real, but one 'as got to be jus' a lit'le bi' bet'er."
- "Better in what sense?"
- "In the sense, like, somefing is worse, and somefing is bet'er."
Personally, as much as I like Borat and Bruno, the Ali G character remains my favourite.