Originally posted by lord of the mark
Hes real big on civilizational essences, and inevitable cycles. IIRC he makes some fairly arbitrary cuts in where civs begin and end, to get them to fit his cycle theory. His book became the background to some really right wing German politics. I have no doubt its compellingly written, and is one of those influential books one has to read for an insight into the era, but Im sure you will read through it being aware of its weaknesses.
Hes real big on civilizational essences, and inevitable cycles. IIRC he makes some fairly arbitrary cuts in where civs begin and end, to get them to fit his cycle theory. His book became the background to some really right wing German politics. I have no doubt its compellingly written, and is one of those influential books one has to read for an insight into the era, but Im sure you will read through it being aware of its weaknesses.
