This paper is the conservative answer to the Washington Post. It is about the recent GOP paedophilia scandal where the "party of family values" not only covered up that one of their Congressmen was a paedophile but even left him on the subcomittee which is supposed to deal with missing and abused children as well as giving him virtually unlimited access to underage Congressional pages (young boys who traditionally help out in Congress in order to gain experience and get college recomendations from Congressmen so they can get into elite schools).
If even the Conservative pro-GOP Washington Post is condemning Hastert then the guy is on his way out.
House Speaker Dennis Hastert must do the only right thing, and resign his speakership at once... Mr. Hastert has forfeited the confidence of the public and his party, and he cannot preside over the necessary coming investigation, an investigation that must examine his own inept performance'... -- Washington Times, October 3, 2006.