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Apolytoners' Hall of Fame: October 2006

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Skanky Burns

    /me updates the post
    SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


    • #47
      Molly Bloom
      Statistical anomaly.
      The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


      • #48
        Hmm, I guess there's a first time for everything..

        OzzyKP (5)


        • #49
          Comrade Tassadar
          "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
          "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
          "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


          • #50
            Voting is closed.

            Final Standings (The Previous Votes' add-ins are in brackets) a
            These are all the people who made the last List, but were not elected.
            (136 posters in the election)

            1. Darsnan- (5) (31) (42) (40) (50) (44) 52---264

            2. OzzyKP- [9] (19) (18) (30) (26) (21) (35) (51) 49----258

            SlowThinker-(9) (6) (22) (45) (27) (32) (44) 65---250

            Skanky Burns-[15] (17) (23) (20) (33) (26) (25) (42) 41---242
            Solver- (13) (8) (12) (8) (17) (38) (69) 77---242

            loinburger- [4] (18) (22)(38) (48) (25) (22) (39) 15----231

            WesW- [16] (30) (24) (23) (21) (24) (31) (20) 21--—210

            Kassiopeia- [10] (10) (17) (25) (30) (22) (26) (29) 29---198

            Aeson- [2] (3) (3) (16) (37) (15) (28) (38) 34---176

            10. Dominae- [4] (19) (27) (15) (12) (11) (25) (31) 31---175

            Molly Bloom- [12] (2) (14) (16) (35) (31) (25) (17) 22---174

            DrSpike- [13] (7) (20) (29) (23) (20) (16) (18) 24---170

            Buster- (3) (10) (13) (28) (31) (30) (30) 19---164

            hexagonian- [5] (6) (20) (14) (15) (28) (29) (20) 24---161

            Jamski- [9] (16) (20) (14) (26) (18) (14) (12) 17--146

            Bloody Monk- (4) (24) (34) (39) 38---139

            deity- [10] (8) (7) (16) (21) (13) (12) (13) 19---119

            MrFun- [7] (11) (10) (13) (22) (12) (20) (14) 9---118

            Mercator- (8) (20) (12) (16) (13) (15) 33---117

            Techumseh- [11] (4) (8) (15) (10) (19) (14) (18) 16---115

            Fez/Giancarlo- [12] (29) (18)(17) (11) (8) (8) (5) 3---115

            Comrade Tassadar - [4] (10) (5) (5) (3) (9) (16) (43) 11---106

            Alinestra Covelia [14] (10) (14)(18) (18) (10) (6) (8) 8---105

            Urban Ranger- [29] (6) (6) (3)(8) (18) (11) (21)---102

            25. Sn00py- [10] (6) (7) (8) (20) (35) (7) (4) 2---99

            Hydro- (5) (7) (22) (26) (19) (13) 5--97

            fairline- (8) (10) (3) (19) (15) (25) 16---96

            Niessuh- (2) (2)(4) (5) (2) (19) (28) 31---93

            Tiamat- (14) (13) (10) (4) (8) (18) (8) 16---92
            Grandpa Troll- (3) (8) (47) 34---92

            Dis [Dissident]- (11) (10) (8) (12) (12) (25) 9---87

            MLeonard- -----[14] (10) (15)(10)(8) (12) (8) (5) 4---86

            Beta- [14] (3) (10) (11)(18) (16) (8) (2) 2---84

            Malevolent Light (Eyes of Night) (StarLightDeath)- [8] (14) (17)( 8) (15) (7) (4) (2) 7---82

            vmxa1---[3] (12) (8)(16) (8) (14) (11) (3) 3---78

            korn469- ---- [11] (16) (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (4) 4---77

            Agathon---[3] (4) (11) (9)(18) (16) (7) (8)----76

            ChrisiusMaximus- [3] (10) (9) (3) (11) (8) (12) (11) 8---75
            cavebear- [10] (8) (2) (4) (15) (5) (2) (21) 8---75

            joncha- (2) (3) (5) (7) (8) (7) (23) 19---74

            Arrian [4] (12) (8) (10) (13) (3) (4) (10) 9---73

            curtsibling- (4) (7) (2) (22) (7) (12) 17---71

            Shi Huangdi - [10] (13) (10)(2)(3) (7) (7) (8) 8---68

            PLATO- [3] (7) (3) (3) (5) (10) (9) (18) 8----66

            Kaak- [6] (1) (4) (3) (4) (12) (4) (19) 9---62

            Illuminatus- (11) (19) 31---61

            Zeus_of_Olimpos- [4] (25) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (5) 5---59

            Bongo- (3) (3) (3) (7) (6) (9) (16) 8---55

            Drake Tungsten- (12) (8) (8) (11) (4) (11)---54

            50. Theben- (7) (6) (20) (14) (5)---52

            Ljube- (7) (7) (3) (3) (15) (10) 6---51
            Blake- (7) (10) 34---51

            GePap- [6] (2) (10) (8) (7) (3) (3) (3) 6---48

            Alfonso- (22) 24---46
            Flubber- (8) (10) (3) (17) (3) 5---46

            Chilean President- (18) (5) (9) (3) 10---45

            Boann- (12) (8) (8) (10) 5---43
            Ben Kenobi- (2) (4) (4) (12) (4) (8) 9---43

            CivNation (AKA DefensorFidei)- [8] (4) (4)(4) (4) (4) (4) (5) 5---42
            snoopy369- (24) (12) 7---42

            Sava- (4) (8) (25) 4---41

            Sikander- (12) (7) (6) (3) (11)---39
            Mrs. Tuberski- (4) (10) (7) (8) 10--39

            Martin Guhmann-- (6) (10) (10) 11---37

            Smacksim- (9) (19) (4) (2) 2----36

            Rasbelin- (2) (4) (7) (7) (4) (3) 8---35

            jm_ruiz- (16) 17---33

            mindseye- (2) (3) (7) (7) (3) (3) (3)---28
            Gerar Dean- (17) (6) (1) 4---28

            Smiley- (9) (10) (3) (3) 2---27
            Kody- [1] (3) (4) (2) (2) (3) (3) (4) 5---27

            Jon Miller- (4) (17) 5---26

            Heresson- (5) 19---24

            Sprayber- (7) (8) (4) 4---23

            75. Manolo- (5) 17----22

            Az- (10) (7) (4)---21

            rjmatsleepers- (4) (2) (4) 8---18
            Nikolai- (6) (3) (6) 3---18

            Boco- (4) (11)---15
            LordShiva- (3) 13---15

            Six Thousand Year Old Man- (3) (6) 5---14

            Zopperoni- (11) (2)---13
            E_T- (5) 8---13

            stankarp- (4) (8)---12
            Carloquillo- (6) (3) 3---12
            Dauphin 12---12
            Tau Ceti- (4) (4) 4---12

            conmcb25- (2) (3) (4) 2---11
            Harry Tuttle- 11---11
            fromafar- (3) 8---11

            Cybershy- (4) (5) 1---10
            Golden Bear- (2) 8---10

            Rufus T. Firefly- (3) (3) (3)---9
            Reds4ever- (3) (3) (3)---9
            Snotty 9---9
            Peaster- 9---9

            Ned- (8)---8
            Dale- (8)---8
            Maniac- 8---8
            100. Sir Ralph- 8---8
            Zoid- (6) 2---8
            Frank Johnson 8---8

            Rhothaerill- (3) (4)---7

            ydiiby- (3) (3)---6
            Tiberius- (3) (3)---6
            Magno_uy- (3) 3---6
            AGRICOLA- (3) 3---6
            Flamer(fin)- 6---6

            Senethro- (3) (2)---5
            Trev 5---5
            Toni 5---5
            Sarsstock- (3) 2---5
            PJayTycy- 5---5
            Fed1943- 5---5

            Platypus Rex- (4)---4
            Flash 4---4

            Ogie Oglethorpe- (3)---3
            BigFree- (3)---3
            Fried-Psilaton- (3)---3
            Unspeakable Horror- 3---3
            Jaguar- 3---3
            Frozzy (Kalius)- 3---3
            lord of the mark- 3---3
            japher- 3---3
            Eli- 3---3
            Rob Worham- 3---3
            Femme- 3---3
            Tism- 3---3

            Drogue- 3---3

            Pablostuka- (2)---2
            Rubin- (2)---2
            Maquiladora- 2---2
            James- 2---2

            LrPrst- (1)---1
            E- (1)---1
            136. smithldoo- (1)---1

            2) Who voted for Whom
            (over 148 posters have voted for over 136 candidates casting 1340 votes)
            -Jrabbit voted for: OzzyKP(3), DrSpike(3), SlowThinker(3)
            Aeson voted for: Dominae(3), Arrian(3), Solver(3)
            AGRICOLA voted for: curtsibling(2), techumseh(2), fairline(2)
            Aidun voted for: E_T(3), Flamer(fin)(3), Golden Bear(3)
            Alfonso voted for: Niessuh(3), Chilean President(3), Manolo(3)
            Alex Woehr voted for: techumseh(3), fairline(3), Mercator(3)
            alva voted for: Aeson(3), Solver(3), Blake(3)
            Arrian voted for: Aeson(3), Dominae(3), Blake(3)
            Azona voted for: Alfonso(2), Manolo(2), jm_ruiz(2)
            Ben Kenobi voted for: Mrs Tuberski(3), Skanky Burns(3), Shi Huangdi(3)
            binTravkin voted for: Darsnan(2), Blake(2), Illuminatus(2)
            Blondie voted for: Grandpa Troll(1), Skanky Burns(1), Tism(1)
            Bloody Monk voted for: SlowThinker(3), OzzyKP(3), Six Thousand Year Old Man(3)
            boann voted for: Ben Kenobi(4), sprayber(4), kaak(4)
            Caligula 37 AD voted for: Blake(2), Solver(2), Six Thousand Year Old Man(2)
            CerberusIV voted for: Molly Bloom(3), Loinburger(3),Heresson(3)
            Chaos Theory voted for: Maniac(3), Illuminatus(3), and Darsnan(3)
            Chilean PresidentTM voted for: Niessuh(3), Gerar Dean(3), Alfonso(3)
            ChrisiusMaximus voted for: PLATO(3), Rob Worham(3), Femme(3)
            Chuckman voted for: fed1943(1), Zoid(1), rjmatsleepers(1)
            Comrade Tassadar voted for: Joncha(3), Jaguar(3), Frozzy(3)
            conmcb25 voted for: E_T(3), Flamer(fin)(3), Golden Bear(3)
            Cort Haus voted for: Aeson(3), Dominae(3), Blake(3)
            curtsibling voted for: fairline(3), Harry Tuttle(3), AGRICOLA(3)
            CyberShy voted for: OzzyKP(5), Deity(5), Frank Johnson(5)
            cyrion voted for: Bloody Monk(3), Fairline(3), Curtsibling(3)
            Darsnan voted for: Illuminatus(3), Hydro(3), Buster(3)
            Dauphin voted for: Grandpa Troll(5), Dis(5), Snotty(5)
            DaveV voted for: SlowThinker(5), Bloody Monk(5), OzzyKP(5)
            DAVOUT voted for: Molly Bloom(3), Arrian(3), GePap(3)
            debeest voted for: SlowThinker(4), Mercator(4), Peaster(4)
            deity voted for: OzzyKP(5), Trev(5), Toni(5)
            Dis voted for: Tiamat(4), Solver(4), LordShiva(4)
            Dominae voted for: Aeson(3), Blake(3), Solver(3)
            Dr Nick voted for: Niessuh(4), Alfonso(4), Chilean President(4)
            DrSpike voted for: Jamski(3), Dauphin(3), Nikolai(3)
            Drogue voted for: Kassiopeia(3), Skanky Burns(3), Jamski(3)
            Dr Strangelove voted for: Tiamat(5), Mrs. Tuberski(5), Ben Kenobi(5)
            dunnm voted for: SlowThinker(2), Cavebear(2), rjmatsleepers(2)
            duke o' york voted for: Loinburger(3), Skanky Burns(3), SlowThinker(3)
            E voted for: hexagonian(5), Martin Guhmann(5), Fromafar(5)
            Elephant voted for:Bloody Monk(3), SlowThinker(3), Mercator(3)
            EPW voted for: Grandpa Troll(2), WesW(2), Hexagonian(2)
            fairline voted for: Techumseh (3), curtsibling (3), Harry Tuttle (3)
            fed1943 voted for: Aeson(2), Dominae(2), Blake(2)
            Flamer(fin) voted for: E_T(2), conmcb25(2), Golden Bear(2)
            Flubber voted for: Darsnan(4), Buster(4), Tau Ceti(4)
            flipside voted for: DrSpike(2), MalevolentLight(2)
            Frederick voted for: Sn00py(2), Skanky Burns(2), Smiley(2)
            Gatekeeper voted for: Mercator(4), Flash(4), Arrian(4)
            Gerar Dean voted for: Chilean President(3), Carloquillo(3), Magno_uy(3)
            Gigante Verde voted for: Niessuh(2), Manolo(2), JM-Ruiz(2)
            Glohithia voted for: OzzyKP(5), deity(5), DrSpike(5)
            Grandpa Troll voted for: Solver(4), loinburger(4), DrSpike(4)
            Grigor voted for: Slow Thinker(4), Bloody Monk(4), Peaster(4)
            gwillybj voted for: Darsnan(3), Maniac(3), Solver(3)
            Harry Tutle voted for: Fairline(2), Curt Sibling(2), Sarsstock(2)
            Hercules voted for: Darsnan(3), Ljube(3), Kody(3)
            Heresson voted for: Mercator(4), joncha(4), curtsibling(4)
            Hexagonian voted for: Solver(5), WesW(5), Sir Ralph(5)
            H0bbes voted for: Darsnan(3), Buster(3), Illuminatus(3)
            Hydro voted for: Darsnan(5), Alinestra Covelia(5), Illuminatus(5)
            Illuminatus voted for: Darsnan(2), Smacksim(2), Hydro(2)
            Immortal Wombat voted for: WesW(4), hexagonian(4), Kassiopeia(4)
            Impaler[WrG] voted for: Darsnan(3), Comrade Tassadar(3), GePap(3)
            JackRudd voted for: Aeson(2), Blake(2), Solver(2)
            Jaguar voted for: Skanky Burns(4), Kassiopeia(4), joncha(4)
            James voted for: Tism(2), Grandpa Troll(2), Skanky Burns(2)
            jamski voted for: DrSpike(3), Skanky Burns(3)
            jasev voted for: Solver(3), Niessuh(3), Alfonso(3)
            Jeje2 voted for: Grandpa Troll(5), Kassiopeia(5), Rasbelin(5)
            jm_ruiz voted for: Niessuh(2), Alfonso(2), Manolo(2)
            Jon Miller voted for: Zeus_of_Olimpos(5), CivNation(5), Shi Huangdi(5)
            joncha voted for: Skanky Burns(2), Kassiopeia(2), Heresson(2)
            Kassiopeia voted for: Solver(3), Alinestra Covelia(3), Skanky Burns(3)
            Kataphraktoi voted for: Flubber(3), Darsnan(3), Buster(3)
            Kelzad voted for: Manolo(2), Niessuh(2), Alfonso(2)
            Kramsib voted for: jm_ruiz(3), Manolo(3), Niessuh(3)
            Krill voted for: Aeson(2), Arrian(2), Dominae(2)
            Lazarus and the Gimp voted for: Dauphin(5), Loinburger(5), Molly bloom(5)
            Lazerus voted for: Darsnan(3), Illuminatus(3), Jamski(3)
            LordShiva voted for: Heresson(3), lord of the mark(3), molly bloom(3)
            Magic_gorter voted for: SlowThinker(1), Mercator(1), Peaster(1)
            Maniac voted for: Darsnan(5), Illuminatus(5), PJayTycy(5)
            Manolo voted for: Niessuh(2), jm_ruiz(2)
            Mart7x5 voted for: Darsnan(3), Illuminatus(3), Drogue(3)
            Martin Gühmann voted for: Solver(3), WesW(3), hexagonian(3)
            Maquiladora voted for: WesW(3), hexagonian(3), Martin Guhmann(3)
            Mead voted for: Darsnan(2), Kody(2), Flubber(2)
            Metaliturtle voted for: Aeson(3), Blake(3), Solver(3)
            MikeH voted for: Blake(5), Jon Miller(5), Solver(5)
            Ming voted for: OzzyKP(5), Slow Thinker(5), Kaak(5)
            Monk voted for: Molly Bloom(5)
            MrsTroll voted for: Grandpa Troll(2), Solver(2), Beta(2)
            N35t0r voted for: Techumseh(5), Mercator(5), Harry Tuttle(5)
            Nelson D voted for: Grandpa Troll(2), Dominae(2), Skanky Burns(2)
            Net Warrior voted for: Darsnan(2), Buster(2), Illuminatus(2)
            Niessuh voted for: jm_ruiz(2), Manolo(2), Alfonso(2)
            Nilat voted for: Fairline(3), Curtsibling (3), Techumseh (3)
            Nikolai voted for: Skanky Burns(4), Solver (4), korn469(4)
            notyoueither voted for: Dominae(3), Aeson(3), Blake(3)
            nugog voted for: Skanky Burns(1), Zoid(1), Solver(1)
            Pekka voted for: Eli(3)
            Petek voted for: Darsnan(4), buster(4), Solver(4)
            OmnipotentTrout voted for: OzzyKP(1), CyberShy(1), Deity(1)
            OzzyKP voted for: SlowThinker(5), Deity(5), EyesofNight(5)
            pepe_kaktus voted for: Niessuh(2), jm_ruiz(2), Alfonso(2)
            PLATO voted for: ChrisiusMaximus(3), bongo(3), ljube(3)
            Platypus Rex voted for: Molly Bloom(3), Heresson(3), snoopy369(3)
            Rah voted for: OzzyKP(5), Slow Thinker(5), Dominae(5)
            Remick voted for: Bongo(2), Grandpa Troll(2), Skanky Burns(2)
            rjmatsleepers voted for: SlowThinker(3), DrSpike(3), cavebear(3)
            Paddy the Scot voted for: Plato(3), Bongo(3), Chrisius Maximus(3)
            Provost Harrison voted for: Sava(4), Dauphin(4), Snotty(4)
            quiquejavi voted for: Niessuh(2), Alfonso(2), JM_ruiz(2)
            RobWorham voted for: Chrisius Maximus(2), PLATO(2), fed1943(2)
            Rubychaser voted for: Skanky Burns(2), James(2), Fed1943(2)
            Scouse Gits voted for: Slow Thinker(5), Bloody Monk(5), Mercator(5)
            Scrapper82 voted for: Grandpa Troll(2), Maquiladora(2), Skanky Burns(2)
            Sir Og voted for: vmxa1(3), Solver(3), Heresson(3)
            Six Thousand Year Old Man voted for: Bloody Monk(4), Slowthinker(4), Solver(4)
            Skanky Burns voted for: Jamski(3), Kassiopeia(3), Joncha(3)
            SlowwHand voted for: Boann(5), Heresson(5), MrFun(5)
            SlowThinker voted for: OzzyKP(4), Bloody Monk(4), Mercator(4)
            Snoopy369 voted for: Mrs. Tuberski(2), Skanky Burns(2), Solver(2)
            solo voted for: Slow Thinker(3), Bloody Monk(3), rjmatsleepers(3)
            Solver voted for: Aeson(4), Hexagonian(4), WesW(4)
            Sparrowhawk voted for: SlowThinker(5), Bloody Monk(5), Jamski(5)
            spec voted for: LordShiva(3), Japher(3)
            Spiffor voted for: LordShiva(3), Comrade Tassadar(3), Fez/Giancarlo(3)
            stickyman voted for: Lord Shiva(2), Solver(2), Dominae(2)
            Stuie voted for: DrSpike(3), Sir Ralph(3), Unspeakable Horror(3)
            StuporMan voted for: slowthinker(2), bloody monk(2), rjmatsleepers(2)
            Swiss Pauli voted for: Blake(2)
            Tamerlin voted for: hexagonian(3), Martin Guhmann(3), Fromafar(3)
            The Slayer voted for: Niessuh(2), jm_ruiz(2), Alfonso(2)
            Toni voted for: OzzyKP(3), Frank Johnson(3), Deity(3)
            Unspeakable Horror voted for: Kassiopeia(5), Comrade Tassadar(5), Joncha(5)
            virdrago voted for: Aeson(3), Dominae(3), Solver(3)
            VJ voted for: Dis(3), Kassiopeia(3), Rasbelin(3)
            vjeh voted for: Darsnan(2), Illuminatus(2), Maniac(2)
            vondrack voted for: Aeson(3), Dominae(3), Solver(3)
            wetback voted for: Niessuh(1), Manolo(1), Gerar Dean(1)
            Will9 voted for: Blake(1), Dis(1), DrSpike(1)
            Winston voted for: OzzyKP (5)
            Wittlich voted for: Tiamat(4), Grandpa Troll(4), Mr. Fun(4)
            Zoid voted for: Tiamat(3), Grandpa Troll(3), Solver(3)
            Zopperoni voted for: snoopy369(4), Grandpa Troll(4), MLeonard(4)
            Last edited by Illuminatus; October 15, 2006, 06:41.
            SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
            The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


            • #51
              Urban Ranger
              Drake Tunsgten

              its still the 15th


              • #52
                It's the 16th, and voting has been closed .
                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Solver
                  It's the 16th, and voting has been closed .
                  Uhhh... It's still the 15th in the US and Canada
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #54
                    I can't help you folks if you're so backward .
                    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                    • #55
                      Mr Fun
                      Grandpa Troll

                      edit: if voting has been closed for four days, why is this still topped?

                      and a further question: why do I still bother?
                      "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
                      ^ The Poly equivalent of:
                      "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


                      • #56
                        Ozzy, Boann, Tiamat
                        "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

                        "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."

