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Cold & Flu vs Injuries, Men & Women

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  • Cold & Flu vs Injuries, Men & Women

    So, are we panzies, us men? Or, should I say. are you guys?

    I haven't had a cold in the last 5 years and when I get one it's really smooth, unlike some of my friends which are stuck to their sofa for 5 straight days.
    On the other hand, girls seem to have it easier, less aggressive colds & flues.
    Do you guys think it's a physical difference, or only psychological? Imo, seeing the quantity of men that react worst to colds, must be genetic, unless we're all panzies....I dont know.
    But, if you look at it from an other angle, when a man brakes a bone, it seems to hurt a lot less than when a women does so. Why?

    Last edited by Spec; September 28, 2006, 09:49.
    -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

  • #2
    I've got a particularly severe case of torticollis at the moment, necessitating a neck brace. Makes playing darts and typing quite tricky.

    Any suggestions?


    • #3
      Stop playing darts for a while.


      • #4
        It wasn't darts that caused it!


        • #5
          Re: Cold & Flu vs Injuries, Men & Women

          Originally posted by Spec
          Hmm. Maybe it's myth, legend, old wives' tales and superstition - sort of like in your OP..?


          • #6
            it only rarely happens that I get sick and if, its normally never something which keeps me away from work and university for more than 1-2 days.
            Totally different from my time before maybe I got around 12-15 years old, when it often happened that I got sick and these things often kept me away from school for a couple of days.

            Same goes for most of my friends, they also don´t seem to get sick very often or for a long time. It also seems that, from the people I know women normally get sick for a longer time than men (but that´s only anecdotical evidence).
            Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
            Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


            • #7
              cool a thread to brag that I haven't had a cold or flu since 1994. .

              Which is funny, because I don't really eat that healthy. But I do take vitamins and drink juice. The only times I have been sick have been stomach problems relating to eating crappy fast food. Food poisoning.


              • #8
                The girls call our colds man flu. I guess it makes up for the lack of us whining for the rest of the year

                I got messed up at the hospital with cold after cold. There was one that was particullary brutal and left me on the sofa for a day. Probably the second time in my life IVe had the flu

                There seems to be an attitude here of 'Ive got the sniffles= Ive got the flu' sod work and stay home. lazy bastards one and all
                Safer worlds through superior firepower

