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New anti-Bush movie rivals Fahrenheit 911

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  • New anti-Bush movie rivals Fahrenheit 911

    It will probably have a wider audience too because the producer has placed it on the web:
    Click here and here to find out how close the George Washington Bridge came to being blown up on 9/11 and why all evidence against those terrorists was classified. Click here to see the influence of Neocon Zionists in the USA and how they benefitted from 9/11. Remember the USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair.

  • #2
    "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

    Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


    • #3


      • #4
        ~ If Tehben spits eggs at you, jump on them and throw them back. ~ Eventis ~ Eventis Dungeons & Dragons 6th Age Campaign: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4: (Unspeakable) Horror on the Hill ~


        • #5
          ****ing Eventis freaks.
          12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
          Stadtluft Macht Frei
          Killing it is the new killing it
          Ultima Ratio Regum


          • #6
            1 hour and 24 minutes too long
            I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

            Asher on molly bloom


            • #7
              Even if you watch only the first 15 minutes I would still say that it would be a worthwhile experience.
              Last edited by Slaughtermeyer; September 15, 2006, 03:56.
              Click here and here to find out how close the George Washington Bridge came to being blown up on 9/11 and why all evidence against those terrorists was classified. Click here to see the influence of Neocon Zionists in the USA and how they benefitted from 9/11. Remember the USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair.


              • #8
                "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                • #9
                  I blame the anti-Bush crowd for this.


                  • #10
                    My PC's not up to long videos, and it doesn't have sound anyway. And why the hell would I waste over an hour of my life being told that Bush is a crap president? That wasn't news even when Michael Moore said it in F911.
                    1011 1100
                    Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                    • #11
                      Slaughtermeyer sighting...

                      CONSPIRACY CRANKS

                      CREATING CRAZED '9/11 TRUTH'

                      September 12, 2006

                      ON Feb. 7, 2005, I became a member of the Bush/Halliburton/Zionist/CIA/New World Order/Illuminati conspiracy for world domination. That day, Popular Mechanics, the magazine I edit, hit newsstands with a story debunking 9/11 conspiracy theories. Within hours, the online community of 9/11 conspiracy buffs - which calls itself the "9/11 Truth Movement" - was aflame with wild fantasies about me, my staff and the article we had published. Conspiracy Web sites labeled Popular Mechanics a "CIA front organization" and compared us to Nazis and war criminals.

                      For a 104-year-old magazine about science, technology, home improvement and car maintenance, this was pretty extreme stuff. What had we done to provoke such outrage?


                      Conspiracy theories alleging that 9/11 was a U.S. government operation are rapidly infiltrating the mainstream. These notions are advanced by hundreds of books, over a million Web pages and even in some college classrooms. The movie "Loose Change," a slick roundup of popular conspiracy claims, has become an Internet sensation.

                      Worse, these fantasies are gaining influence on the international stage. French author Thierry Meyssan's "The Big Lie," which argues that the U.S. military orchestrated the attacks, was a bestseller in France, and his claims have been widely repeated in European and Middle Eastern media. And recent surveys reveal that, even in moderate Muslim countries such as Turkey and Jordan, majorities of the public believe that no Arab terrorists were involved in the attacks.

                      "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion," Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan was fond of saying. "He is not entitled to his own facts." Yet conspiracy theorists want to pick and choose which facts to believe.

                      Rather than grapple with the huge preponderance of evidence in support of the mainstream view of 9/11, they tend to focus on a handful of small anomalies that they believe cast doubt on the conventional account. These anomalies include the claim that the hole in the Pentagon was too small to have been made by a commercial jet (but just right for a cruise missile); that the Twin Towers were too robustly built to have been destroyed by the jet impacts and fires (so they must have been felled by explosives), and more. If true, these and similar assertions would cast serious doubt on the mainstream account of 9/11.

                      But they're not true. Popular Mechanics has been fact-checking such claims since late 2004, and recently published a book on the topic. We've pored over transcripts, flight logs and blueprints, and interviewed more than 300 sources - including engineers, aviation experts, military officials, eyewitnesses and members of investigative teams.

                      In every single case, we found that the very facts used by conspiracy theorists to support their fantasies are mistaken, misunderstood or deliberately falsified.

                      Here's one example: Meyssan and hundreds of Web sites cite an eyewitness who said the craft that hit the Pentagon looked "like a cruise missile with wings." Here's what that witness, a Washington, D.C., broadcaster named Mike Walter, actually told CNN: "I looked out my window and I saw this plane, this jet, an American Airlines jet, coming. And I thought, 'This doesn't add up. It's really low.' And I saw it. I mean, it was like a cruise missile with wings. It went right there and slammed right into the Pentagon."

                      We talked to Walter and, like so many of the experts and witnesses widely quoted by conspiracy theorists, he told us he is heartsick to see the way his words have been twisted: "I struggle with the fact that my comments will forever be taken out of context."

                      Here's another: An article in the American Free Press claims that a seismograph at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory picked up signals indicating that large bombs were detonated in the towers. The article quotes Columbia geologist Won-Young Kim and certainly looks authoritative. Yet the truth on this issue is not hard to find. A published Lamont-Doherty report on the seismic record of 9/11 says no such thing. Kim told Popular Mechanics that the publication's interpretation of his research was "categorically incorrect." Yet the claim is repeated verbatim on more than 50 Web sites as well as in the film "Loose Change."

                      Every 9/11 conspiracy theory we investigated was based on similarly shoddy evidence. Most of these falsehoods are easy to refute simply by checking the original source material or talking to experts in the relevant fields. And yet even the flimsiest claims are repeated constantly in conspiracy circles, passed from Web site to book to Web site in an endless daisy chain. And any witness, expert - or publication - that tries to set the record straight is immediately vilified as being part of the conspiracy.

                      The American public has every right to ask hard questions about 9/11. And informed skepticism about government and media can be healthy. But skepticism needs to be based on facts, not fallacies. Unfortunately, for all too many, conspiratorial fantasies offer a seductive alternative to grappling with the hard realities of a post-9/11 world.

                      James B. Meigs is editor-in-chief of Popular Mechanics. The magazine's new book, "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand up to the Facts," is just out.
                      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                      • #12
                        Bush also did the moon landings. He landed secretly with Space Force One on one of those Nazi moon bases, took photos, wandered around a while and left a US flag. That was shortly after he killed Kennedy.


                        • #13
                          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                          • #14
                            Here are some review snippets about the movie:

                            “A remarkable artistic statement that transcends ideology and operates at the highest level of intellectual honesty, humanity, and patriotism.”
                            Michael Collins, Scoop Independent News

                            “The purpose is to show that the White House LIED, and that goal is achieved resoundingly.”
                            Christopher Sharpe,

                            “This movie is probably one of the greatest documentaries to be produced because everybody – from a 90 year old man to a 4 year old child, from a PhD to no education – will understand it and because it has no hidden agenda.”
                            Dick Gregory – Comedian and social activist

                            “Phenomenal! Stunning! Unbelievable! It’s so well done…”
                            Randi Rhodes, Air America

                            “One of those rare creatures in modern media: A Sept. 11 study stripped of politics and partisanship. It’s the anti-’Fahrenheit 9/11’!”
                            Paul F. P. Pogue, NUVO Newsweekly

                            “A powerful film! This is the film that you should show to a 9/11-truth virgin.”
                            Peter B. Collins, KRXA’s ‘The Peter B. Collins Show’

                            “A new doc you will hear lots more about… If you don’t trust ‘the official story’, you will have to see this one!”
                            Danny Schechter, News Dissector

                            “The story of the Jersey widows and their struggle for the truth deserves to be heard.”
                            Larisa Alexandrovna,

                            “An astonishing portrayal of the lengths our public servants will go to in order to protect themselves from any accountability.”
                            Scott Horton,

                            “I’m actually shaking from not only the emotional impact but also the thought that the people of the United States might see it… Every high school, college and university should have a copy of this documentary… It is imperative that the world know the truth about 9/11.”
                            Bob McIlvaine, Lost son Bobby on 9/11
                            Click here and here to find out how close the George Washington Bridge came to being blown up on 9/11 and why all evidence against those terrorists was classified. Click here to see the influence of Neocon Zionists in the USA and how they benefitted from 9/11. Remember the USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair.


                            • #15
                              *points to sig*

