This probably won't matter to most, but she was a good person.
Just before the assassination, she had turned to JFK, and said, "Well, you certainly can't say Dallas doesn't love you now, Mr. President."
Just before the assassination, she had turned to JFK, and said, "Well, you certainly can't say Dallas doesn't love you now, Mr. President."
Nellie Connally, the former Texas first lady who was riding in John F. Kennedy's limousine when he was assassinated, has died, a family friend said Saturday. The 87-year-old was the last living person who had been part of that fateful Dallas drive. Mrs. Connally, the widow of former Gov. John Connally, died late Friday at an Austin assisted living center, said Julian Read, who served as the governor's press secretary in the 1960s. Her death was from natural causes, though the exact cause was not known late Saturday. She was at her desk writing thank-you notes when she died, Mr. Read said.
