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Yanks better convert to Islam, or bad things will happen (AlQaeda)

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  • Originally posted by molly bloom
    I do not accept the unproven and unprovable assertion that there exists a god or gods. That's my atheism in a nutshell. No theology, no dogma, just no supernatural entities.

    Why is that so hard for some to understand ?
    But Molly, it's not enough to assert that there are no fairies at the bottom of the garden, you have to prove that there are no fairies or you are just being a dogmatic old dialetical materialist.

    Now, where did I put that giant flying spagetti monster? ...


    • Originally posted by lord of the mark

      You seem to have completely missed the point of my "reform" analogy.
      No, I don't. You keep making the mistake, as Cybershy does, of using a religious analogy for atheism, when it is inaccurate and inappropriate.

      They DONT all believe in the same dogmas.
      I believe you are still clarifying a point which I haven't made.

      You are also still avoiding the main issue, which is to tell me which dogmas some atheists are meant to hold, which are a consequence of, or pertain exclusively, to their being atheists.

      SOME atheists hold dogmas, though not all atheists who hold dogmas agree on their dogmas.
      Which are these dogmas ? And if atheists supposedly hold them, how are they exclusive to atheism ?

      If you state that some atheists hold them, presumably you have a knowledge of what they are, and where they can be found set out, or prescribed, or recommended by the Doctrinal Body of Atheists, or the College of Dogmatics for Atheists .

      From your post:

      Dogma (the plural is either dogmata or dogmas, .... is the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology or any kind of organization to be authoritative and not to be disputed or doubted.
      See, the point is, I'm not part of any 'atheist organisation' or 'atheist ideology' .
      Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

      ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915

