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Are games making us wimps?

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  • Are games making us wimps?

    This guy thinks so.

    But, I digress. I could spend a year pointing out all the ups and downs of video games...but for this post, I'm focusing on one. The "pu$$y factor."

    Kids...and thus men...are getting softer because of video games. We're launching a generation of wimps into the world. Men who's understanding of the world resides in fantasy and their ability to use their thumbs.

    Despite Chuck's desire to find someone who can pull 'meaning' from video games...The fact is, video games are anti-meaning. It's 100% escapism. It's people fleeing from meaning, consequence and responsibilities. It's people taking a break from their crappy existence to be an NFL star, a car-stealing pimp, a magical warrior or a made-up creature with amazing leaping ability. What does it mean? Nothing.

    And without meaning, we have a bunch of guys who's only recourse when "times get tough" is to dive into a world ruled by megabytes. Don't look at McDonalds & Coke as to why we have fat kids...parents should to look to the permanent indentation that their child has left on their living room couch.

    But isn't just about kids either.
    You can read the rest here:

    I should have seen it coming ten years ago. In an effort to "toughen up" my younger brother, who was half my age at 10 years old, I was rag...
    Last edited by Nostromo; August 29, 2006, 22:01.
    Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy – Lessing

  • #2
    he's forgetting about bloodthirsty world leader in that list of things we can be.

    Americans have been growing softer for over a generation. It's why we lost the Vietnam war after all. . Europeans have always been soft.

    this is only a sign of the continuing progression of this process. In short, video games are a sign of the times. They aren't the cause of them.

    And there's still plenty of violence to go around. The late thing now days seems to be fight clubs. Kids beating the **** out of each other. Did they have those in the 50's? I don't think so.


    • #3
      And there's still plenty of violence to go around. The late thing now days seems to be fight clubs. Kids beating the **** out of each other. Did they have those in the 50's? I don't think so.
      They had something called "strike" where cops and "guys hired by the company" were fighting with the workers!!

      And I remember something called... "Hockey" they played this sport without protection and they had something called "fighting!!


      • #4
        Gary Bettman killed the NHL!

        goood old times...
        Vendredi Saint Brawl 20 april 1984
        The Canadiens who won (of course) the match against the Québec Nordiques, 5 to 3, and won the series by 4-2. A page of the history of Québécois hockey had be...


        • #5
          Looks like a bunch of guys hugging on skates to me.
          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


          • #6
            Looks like a bunch of guys hugging on skates to me.
            Bring back the hugging into hockey! :doitnow:


            • #7
              I have worried for a long time about the growing obese, passive and sedentary nature of American youth. It just seems to get worse as time goes on. We were skinny kids who played sports and sometimes fought. (Without weapons) Now the kids are fat, don't leave the house and even when they fight they are much more likely to use weapons, I suppose in order to avoid working up a sweat.

              I agree with Dis though, that the times create a market for the games rather than the games creating a generation of fat homebodies.
              He's got the Midas touch.
              But he touched it too much!
              Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


              • #8
                THIS GUYS AN ACCOUNTANT? its just the bullies picking on those they think are weaker.

                I bet I could bounce this guy into next week, and Ive played games all my life. I was going to call him out but his forum wont take free emal addresses, and hes in the states
                Safer worlds through superior firepower


                • #9
                  And it should be noted that for the most part, it's still white boys playing video games. Though there is a sizable african american population that plays.

                  Nevertheless, the minorities are still tough. Especially the one's in gangs. And that's what the author wants, right? Kids who have the ability to kill in case we have another war.

                  And Soccer is not a tough sport.


                  • #10
                    Re: Are games making us wimps?

                    Originally posted by nostromo
                    This guy thinks so.

                    You can read the rest here:


                    He's right... And it is okay with me.. A generation of gamers with stunted social skills are removing themselves from competing with me for women that are available for mating..

                    Our only reason for existence is to reproduce with the choicest mate and raise our offspring to be responsible adults... Any behavior not consistent with that goal is frivolous.


                    • #11
                      less competition.


                      • #12
                        cronos, classic battle.. However, the Nords were using cheap shots throughout the brawl. In the brawl after the first period, as you see the guy dropping down, it was a total cheap shot.

                        In the second brawl, everything goes pretty well until the Nords start going 2-1 etc.. So, I say the blue team deserves a beating for being cheap shot losers.

                        Other than that, it was pretty fair.
                        In da butt.
                        "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                        THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                        "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                        • #13
                          This reminds me, I was twice in a big brawl in a hockey game. Both time it was this day when schools would announce a hockey team and they would do a tournament, this was once a year (we won it every time, except once we and the other team were disqualified for the brawl, but we were leading that game so I consider we won them all).

                          We had a pretty good team, as everyone in our team were serious playing hockey and all of us were in a pretty good level too, but so was this one other school, in whose turf we would always play the tournament. So the first time I was selected to play in our team, we ended up in finals and won, and had a brawl. It started from few people going hunting each other with hard hits, with intentions to just smash them. I'm telling the last 5 minutes weren't about hockey at all.

                          So the crowd got into it, since it was their home team, so what we did was, of course, countered every situation and delivered back with interest. So, the inevitable happened, and two guys stopped and started staring each other. Sticks dropped and fighting was on. Everyone from the other team jumped to the ice, which pretty much made us jump our benches too and get in it. The crowd was cheering, and our gym teachers (who were selected to be the coaches by default) were going berserk. No one was sitting on the bench, everyone was winging at someone.

                          It was fair and no one got hurt, most kept their helmets on and no one really wanted to injure someone, it just started from everyone going in it and now the crowd was in it, cheering loudly so it kind of got out of the hand. But most of us would know each other even from other schools, because we'd play in the same teams together, so no one would square off with their own team mates, thus it pretty much died after a while on its own.

                          The second year though, that was when we all got disqualified, that was mad. Again, same team, in the finals, in their turf, everyone was talking about the last year so everyone was on the same frequency, it was only a time of matter and who starts it. But it was inevitable that if someone starts fighting, everyone will go. It was wild man.. it started in the third period, wild swinging, and the bad boys from the home team were in the audience because they heard there was a big brawl last year so they wanted to come and kind of watch and join. The brawl itself wasn't too bad, no one got hurt, no one truly was going after except few people, but most were just holding each other and wrestling. This year, our gym teachter refused to come so we didn't even have a coach to go berserk on us.

                          Anyway, we got disqualified and what happened afterwards got out of the hand. We got off form the rink and these bad boys from the other teams crowd attacked us going into the locker room. now, we had no beef with the actual team, most of us knew someone in the team and we had already settled it and there was no hard feelings. It was just bound to happen, but when part of the crowd attacked us, that's when it truly got out of the hand. Troubled kids would come at us in a gang in the hall way, and the first guy walking got kicked pretty good so brawl ensued immidiately. Later on, when we got to our locker room and were taking off our gear, someone came back and punched a knife to the door and we were pretty much in a new situation, are we looking at a new brawl again, this time some of us armed? So we were taking our sticks and getting ready to fight and then the principel of the other school came in .. in fury and anger, he went totally berserk, not because of the brawl in the rink but because of their own bad boys coming at us, after all we were guests and they were unable to protect us so we had to fight these guys and know someone was hanging around with a knife too.

                          So the baddies escaped the building altogether after that and we were escorted to our bus in case we were in for a 4th fight of the night. Well that never happened.

                          But it was an experience, I'll tell oyu that much. Fortunately no one got hurt.. I dont' know, it was all in the context of hockey to us, now that I think of it? Insane. Just no control what so ever.

                          I heard later on that the rivalry between our two schools in that tourney continues its legacy, usually both makes it to the finals and usually there's problems. And everyone knows it, these kids that play now know it started in the 90s Glad to have wittnessed and be part of a legend. Not.

                          Anyway, I've never seen such battles going on in the actual circuits, it as always between the schools. Never between actual teams like this..
                          In da butt.
                          "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                          THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                          "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                          • #14
                            ^Longest Pekka post of the month


                            • #15
                              Went on a nostalgic memorabilia thingie here... had some wars with the team!

                              I'm saying, it's kind of scary when you are attacked by a bunch of guys in a school that is not yours and you have no back up other than your team mates. Basically, you need to get the hell out and fast, situation that can turn into a dangerous one.

                              We were lucky though. Now it feels like something I'd laugh at, but I must shake my head in disbelief also. That was not cool at all.

                              I mean it's pretty telling when the guys from the other team would kind of be on our side in that situation and against their bad boys. They knew it was rivalry, but not that kind of a rivalry. Yeah we had a brawl, but not like that. Plus we were their guests, and some of us knew each other pretty well so.. they were on our side, later on they woudl apologize (the team) us the way the crowd acted and things got out of hand with few in the crowd. It was all cool between the actual teams though.. between the schools? Absolutely not. I'd still like a new chance to see some sucker punching and kicking bastards, when it's on fair grounds and put them in a coma.
                              In da butt.
                              "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                              THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                              "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.

