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Canadian gigolo

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  • Canadian gigolo

    Some pointers, for those who are interested. It seems the ladies need a few good men

    Canadian gigolo
    By Lifewise

    If your idea of a gigolo bears any resemblance to Rob Schneider's character in Deuce Bigalow you're probably not going to believe what you're about to read. Contrary to what many people seem to believe, the gigolo—unlike Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy—actually does exist. And there are plenty of women out there who are ready and willing to pay for his services.

    Frank has a taste for fine restaurants and exclusive nightclubs. He also prefers designer clothes and the most expensive, state-of-the-art health clubs. As a twenty-five year-old unemployed actor, however, it hasn't been easy for Frank to support this lifestyle—at least not by conventional means.

    Having achieved little success in acting, one of the world's most glamorous professions, Frank—like a surprisingly large number of young men—decided to turn to the world's oldest profession. Free to go out at night and work out during the day, he usually cruises the hotel bars at happy hour, in the hopes of meeting a wealthy businesswoman that he can go to work on. According to Frank, it's a great line of work—if you can get it.

    "Since I'm so charming and such a good lover," the modest man from Montreal says, "women will do anything for me."

    While not all women are likely to be brought under the spell of Frank's charms, Nicole, a forty-three year-old single mother, did fall for one of Frank's cohorts. Having met Nicolas at a dance club, it wasn't long before the twenty-six year-old bachelor had moved in with her.

    "I let him do it without thinking too much about it," Nicole says. "And the next thing I knew he had been staying with me for six months." In exchange for this young man's company, Nicole had given him a place to stay, paid for his food, his cigarettes, his lottery tickets and his gasoline. She never even thought of asking him to pay rent or split the cost of food, she tells us, because she was afraid that he would leave her for a women willing to be a little bit more generous.

    Their relationship soured, however, when Nicole called Nicolas a "gigolo" during a fight. He was insulted and left in a huff. Now more open about his willingness to exchange sexual favours for financial reward, Nicolas charges $20 to dance with a woman and $100 to make love to her.

    Karl, now in his mid twenties, has been Carole's lover for almost a year. Married to a wealthy lawyer who's never home, this forty-five year-old homemaker is bored to death. "At first we met for sex," Karl says, "but now she invites me out once a week to see a movie and go out to eat. We talk about her family and her personal interests; even when she comes over to my place we only do one thing: hold each other and talk." In order to get a little bit more out of this special relationship, Karl admits to frequently complaining that he's broke. "She'll leave me a few extra dollars when she leaves in the morning," he says.

    Charm School

    Gigolos learn their strategies of seduction from friends who are experienced in the field or from simply studying women in order to give them what they want. "Some guys have their rent and their cars paid for by their clients," Frank says. As an avid reader of women's magazines, he claims he can understand the psychological motivations of almost any woman after talking to her for only half an hour. "I can describe the type of man she likes and her tastes in bed," he brags.

    For the past few months, Frank has been seeing Gina, a thirty-eight year-old beautician who's tall, slim and extremely feminine. Having recently come out of a relationship that was both physically and verbally abusive, Frank recognizes that Gina was ripe for the picking.

    "I often play the role of a child with women," he confides. "They love it. Gina needed somebody who seems harmless and who isn't going to be too demanding. So that's what I give her."

    In addition to showering the young man with gifts, Gina houses him and buys him all his clothes. It's clear for Frank that, if Gina weren't able to give him a free ride, he would have never become her lover. "She's a friend, at most," he says. Given that Gina regularly introduces Frank to potential clients at her local beauty parlour, it seems clear that both parties recognize that their relationship is strictly professional. "Gina knows that I like to be spoiled," Frank explains, "so she plans encounters with women who will pay for everything for me. In return, I introduce her to my friends."

    Gigolos are usually extremely narcissistic and deeply in love—with cash. Perhaps this is why they're able to approach caring and emotionally-involved relationships as though they're "just business."

    In order to maintain his business, Frank tells us, he has to continually look after his body. In addition to regularly shaving his chest, he visits the tanning salons, lifts weights and does cardio training almost every day. He is a true professional.

    Still—in spite of the fact that he once worked for an escort agency—Frank doesn't like to think of himself as a "deluxe male prostitute."

    "If a woman invites me out for dinner," he says, "we'll always finish the night in a hotel room somewhere. It's just part of the deal. Asked what he does in the event that he agrees to meet a woman for "dinner" and it turns out that he doesn't find the woman physically appealing, Frank reveals the true source of his desire and his motivations: "the fact that I know a woman is spending hundreds of dollars for a night with me is enough to turn me on."

    So how did Frank grow so used to being provided for? "I like to be spoiled," he says. "It was my ex-girlfriend who got me used to this type of relationship: she was paying for everything." For the moment, Frank doesn't ask himself too many questions about his future. As long as he has the face and the body for the job—and he remembers how to seduce—everything in his life is beautiful.

    Falling into the role

    While many gigolos become professionals, other guys play the role somewhat by chance (or so they say). This was the case of Mario, a twenty-five year-old nurse. For six months, Louise, a rich forty-four year-old pharmacist, gave him the royal treatment. She paid for restaurants, hotel rooms, silk shirts and sophisticated perfumes. Her only requirement: was that Mario be completely available and always ready to satisfy her desires. "She would call me at the end of my workday to set a rendez-vous an hour later in a hotel room," he reports.

    According to Mario, Louise enjoyed both the energy of her young lover and the power and prestige of having a good looking younger man on her arm. "For her, I was an escape," Mario says. But even though their relationship was only temporary, Mario was still expected to devote 100% of his interest and attention to her when in her company. "If she was treating me to something," he says, "I had to make sure that I was exclusively hers."

    In spite of the restrictions, Mario doesn't have any complaints about their relationship. "I don't want to start thinking of myself as a 'gigolo'," he says, "but I have to admit that it's a turn on to be kept by a woman. But ultimately we had to end it because the feelings between us were just starting to become too strong."
    Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy – Lessing

  • #2
    After all, it sounds like a low-paying profession. Compare to what a female prostitute can make.
    I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


    • #3
      It all comes down to money for you again, Dan. What about job satisfaction?


      • #4
        Yeh... Job satisfaction... Being the cuddlefvck of butt-ugly 40-somethings whose marriages are on the rocks.
        I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


        • #5
          Let's watch that age reference crap, buddy.

          Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
          "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
          He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


          • #6
            The reference was used only to make it clear that this was the second marriage on the rocks, not the first.
            I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891

