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Sixth Pay Commission instituted ; may bankrupt government , derail Indian economy

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  • Sixth Pay Commission instituted ; may bankrupt government , derail Indian economy

    In the latest by the great , soon-to-be-late ( they can't survive much longer with the mess they're making of governance ) government of India , I present to you the Master Plan to undo all the economic progress the last regime achieved , derail the economy , turn the current economic boom into a bust , bankrupt the government , and make India dependent on foreign loans to sustain herself . Say hello to the Sixth Pay Commission - the bastard child of the Communists' rape of the Congress .

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    Govt clears setting up of 6th Pay Commission
    Onkar Singh in New Delhi

    July 20, 2006 14:14 IST
    Last Updated: July 20, 2006 14:29 IST

    Setting aside the recommendations of the 11th Finance Commission that had said there should be no pay panel for central government employees in the future, the Union Cabinet, headed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, on Thursday decided to constitute a three-member Sixth Pay Commission to revise the pay scales of government employees.

    This was announced by Priya Ranjan Dasmunshi, Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting and the spokesman for the government, at a press conference in New Delhi after the Cabinet meet.

    No timeframe has been fixed for the commission yet to give its report.

    The new Pay Commission proposals may cost the government an additional financial burden of up to Rs 20,000 crore (Rs 200 billion), towards salary and pension hike.

    However, analysts believe that the implementation of these recommendations might take up to three years and the government might therefore grant an interim relief of 10-15% to the government staff.

    "Only two states -- namely Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh -- have opposed the appointment of the 6th Pay Commission," Dasmunshi said.

    He added that the government had overlooked the recommendation of the 11th Finance Commission as it felt that the employees needed some relief. "This is a good news for central government employees," he said.

    Pay commissions are periodically constituted to examine various issues such as pay scales and allowances, retirement benefits / pension, promotion policies, etc. "The framework for the new commission would be decided by the prime minister in consultation with the Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram," Dasmunshi said.

    The Fifth Pay Commission was set up in 1994 and implemented in 1997, and had cost the exchequer Rs 17,000 crore (Rs 170 billion).

    Sixth Pay Commission may derail economy

    George Iype | February 09, 2006

    'The Fifth Pay Commission (set up in 1994) recommendations resulted in a Rs 530 billion payout by the government. The next (sixth) pay commission would effectively wind up Indian sovereignty.'*

    -- Arun Shourie, former Union minister for divestment, statistics and programme implementation

    Cut to the present.

    The stock markets are on fire, the economy seems to be chugging along well and global heavyweights bullish on India are pitching tent across the country.

    Against this backdrop, trade unions and government employees associations have been asking the government some tough questions: How can central and state government employees' salaries remain stagnant when India is booming? When India Inc is a success story, how can industrial wages in the country remain so low?

    In response, Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh told a press conference last week: 'The time has now come for a new commission. We are preparing for it.'

    Does that mean the government is preparing to shoot itself in the foot or does it mean that government employees will finally get a raise? Read on to find out.

    What is a Pay Commission?

    It is an administrative system/mechanism that the Government of India set up in 1956 to determine the salaries of government employees.

    The First Pay Commission was established in 1956, and since then, every decade has seen the birth of a commission that decides the wages of government employees for a particular time-frame.

    For instance, the recommendations of the Fourth Pay Commission covered the period between 1986 and 1996. The Fifth Pay Commission covered the period between 1996 and this year.

    Why was there a hue and cry about the Fifth Pay Commission?

    Because the implementation of the Commission's recommendations ravaged the finances of the central and state governments.

    The central government declared salary and allowances hikes for its approximately 3.3 million employees, and insisted that the state governments too revise the pay of their employees as per the Commission's recommendations.

    The result: Before the Fifth Pay Commission recommendations came into effect, the central government's wage bill (including pension dues of Rs 50.94 billion) stood at Rs 218.85 billion in 1996-1997.

    It shot up by nearly 99 per cent to Rs 435.68 billion in 1999-2000.

    What about the state governments?

    Their wage bill went up by 74 per cent to Rs 898.13 billion in 1999 from Rs 515.48 billion in 1997.

    At present, almost 90 per cent of a state's revenues goes in paying salaries.

    The impact of the Fifth Pay Commission was so brutal that some 13 states did not have money to pay salaries in 2000.

    So peeved were some state governments that last year states like West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya and Mizoram sought a mechanism under which the Centre could not announce a pay revision without consulting the states.

    They also sought the Centre's help in offsetting the impact of the Fifth Pay Commission and a national wage policy to replace pay commissions.

    So the Fifth Pay Commission just recommended hiking salaries of government employees?

    No, and therein lies the problem. The government only implemented the monetary benefits part.

    Some of the Fifth Pay Commission's other recommendations included slashing the government workforce by 30 per cent; abolishing 350,000 vacant posts and reducing the number of pay scales from 51 to 34, none of which were implemented.

    The Commission also suggested that the grant of salary hikes to employees be linked to issues of downsizing government, efficiency and administrative reforms.

    Did the Fifth Pay Commission affect the economic reform process?

    The jury is out on that. But two years ago, the World Bank held the Fifth Pay Commission as the 'single largest adverse shock' to India's strained public finances.

    The global body said India's civil service was 'not unduly' large, but there was a 'pronounced imbalance' in the skills.

    In its review, the Bank added: 'There is a pronounced imbalance in the skills mix since 93 per cent of the civil service comprised class III and class IV employees for both the Centre and various states.'

    So, is mulling the Sixth Pay Commission a sudden decision?

    For the last two years, Communist leaders and trade unions have been demanding the setting up of such a commission.

    Last year, the government set up a committee to study the demand.

    The committee, headed by Cabinet Secretary B K Chaturvedi, turned down the request for constituting the Sixth Pay Commission. The committee said the Centre might not be able to bear the additional burden and the states were just recovering from the impact of the Fifth Pay Commission, whose recommendations were implemented in 1997.

    The Twelfth Finance Commission also urged the government to stop the practice of increasing salaries by appointing pay commissions every 10 years.

    So why the sudden turnaround?

    This is what Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had to say: 'We have decided this. The last pay commission was set up in 1994. The time has now come for a new commission. We are preparing for it.'

    Congress sources say the rising political pressure from the Communists -- key partners in the United Progressive Alliance coalition -- has prompted Prime Minister Singh to announce the new pay commission.

    What about the drain on government finances?

    New Delhi now argues the Sixth Pay Commission will not adversely affect the states as they are sitting on cash surpluses close to Rs 400 billion.**
    * This means that the government of India will need loans from other countries to pay government employees , and will thus become dependent on other countries , and thus will lost her sovereignty .

    ** Considering that the last one cost 530 billion rupees , I see no reason why 400 billion should cover this one .

    First the banning movies thing , then trying to curb the media , then the reservations scandal , then the censorship of the internet , now this attempt to bankrupt the state and crash the economy - that's the current administration for you in a nutshell . The previous regime was far , far better .

    I wonder how long until my signature quote comes true .

    ( In case I change my signature :

    यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत ।
    अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्‌ ॥४-७॥
    परित्राणाय साधूनाम् विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् ।
    धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे ॥४-८॥
    Meaning :
    Whenever there is a decline of Dharma (Righteousness) and a predominance of Adharma (Unrighteousness), O Arjuna, then I manifest Myself. I appear from time to time for protecting the good, for transforming the wicked, and for establishing world order (Dharma). (4.07-08 , Srimad Bhagwat Gita ) )

  • #2


    • #3
      dont you think Dharma and Greg was a silly show?
      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


      • #4
        @ Kuciwalker

        Meaning ?


        • #5
          too long didn't read



          • #6
            The government has , pressured by the Commies with whom they're allied , instituted the Sixth Pay Commission , which will revise the pay scales of government employees and give some other recommendations concerning governance . The government will actually , however , ignore the parts which refer to cutting flab and only increase the pay which government employees get .

            The last pay commission doubled ( that's right - 100 % increased ) the pay of government employees . At that time , the effect was to almost bankrupt the government and totally roger the economy . Some state governments did not have enough cash to pay their employees according to the new pay scales . Money which was supposed to go for development went into the pockets of government servants . And the state has had to pay that extra 530 billion every year .

            Today , 90 % of the goverenment's ( I'm not sure about central or state , however ) money goes toward paying its own employees . I don't know where the goverment will get the cash to pay its employees today - if , say , the commission says that salaries have to be increased by even eleven percent . What will they do - give all money to government employees ? Or go bankrupt ? Or , most likely , borrow money from other countries and the world bank and compromise Indian sovereignty . . . .


            • #7
              I approve of this recent shift from fearing and hating only Muslims to fearing and hating Communists as well. There are a lot more Commies here than Muslims, so it should make for more entertaining threads. Not informative, mind you--there still aren't enough people here familiar with India's politics to have an enlightened discussion--but certainly entertaining.

              Except this particular kerfuffle appears to be about excessive pay raises to gov't. employees or something like that, and bureaucratic trivia is never entertaining. So this looks only slightly less tedious than "Star Wars: Episode I," and only because of the absence of Jar Jar.
              1011 1100
              Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


              • #8
                Actually , this is serious . This may totally bankrupt the government , turn the current stock market boom into a bust , crash the economy in general , and compromise Indian sovereignty .


                • #9
                  Yes, so you say. But I know nothing about contemporary Indian politics; nor do more than a handful of other people on 'Poly. I have no way of even knowing how reputable the sources you cite are. So, I can either do a staggering amount of research to become informed on the topic, which is arduous, or take your word for it, which seems unwise based on some of your previous claims WRT India like the Aryan invasion failing. I choose option C: say 'meh' and hope for some nice comic relief.
                  1011 1100
                  Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                  • #10
                    As I understand it, India's government pays their employees so little that corruption is the only way that government employees can earn a living. Many don't even do the jobs they're paid for, but work at 2nd jobs instead, because it's impossible to fire them.

                    If India's ever going to be anything but a 3rd world hell, they're going to have to start paying their employees a living wage.
                    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                    • #11
                      Do the government employees get pay rises in between the last commission and now? How often are the salaries increased of government employees?


                      • #12
                        What is the current average government employee wage compared to the average non-government employee at the moment?


                        • #13
                          I'm heartened by this. Those government employees will build houses, buy Indian cars (does India make cars?) and use Indian banks. Banks invest in business, business employs people, people have ambitions. This money that the government sends around will come back around. Much better than what politicos of other 3rd world countries do, fatten their offshore accounts. No, this money will cause the employment of carpenters, roofers, plumbers and masons. Those people will buy food and use doctors, those doctors will buy big boats while farmers buy booze, and the world will keep goin round, selah. Life without end.

                          Long time member @ Apolyton
                          Civilization player since the dawn of time


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by chegitz guevara
                            As I understand it, India's government pays their employees so little that corruption is the only way that government employees can earn a living. Many don't even do the jobs they're paid for, but work at 2nd jobs instead, because it's impossible to fire them.

                            If India's ever going to be anything but a 3rd world hell, they're going to have to start paying their employees a living wage.
                            If Che's understanding of the situation is correct, then I have to agree with him.

                            Two things need to change, though, not just one. The second thing is doing something about "it's impossible to fire them." Pay them well, yes. But also make it possible to take out the trash when necessary.

                            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                            • #15
                              If Che's understanding of the situation is correct, then I have to agree with him.

                              Big if

