Pets do the strangest things.
My cat, Grendel, likes to curl up in my shorts when they are around my ankles while I'm on the toilet. He also likes strawberry preserves. He likes to chew plastic wrap, and gets so excited when he's in a plastic bag he's been known to piss himself (when he was younger). He still tries to crawl inside backpacks. But he doesn't like getting under the covers except when we have the air down too low.
My other cat, Brenden, wants me to pick him up immediately upon my leaving the shower, but hates getting wet at any other time. He whines for my attention at other times, but as soon I as try to pet him, he runs away. He also likes knocking things off of shelves, just to hear the sound they make when they hit the floor. He's mostly stopped doing this, except in the morning when he's trying to wake me up to be fed, and mewling hasn't worked. For a few days, he decided he liked sleeping on the top of my head, but unfortunately for him, he had fleas at the time, and so I'd remove him immediately. He won't do it anymore.
My cat, Grendel, likes to curl up in my shorts when they are around my ankles while I'm on the toilet. He also likes strawberry preserves. He likes to chew plastic wrap, and gets so excited when he's in a plastic bag he's been known to piss himself (when he was younger). He still tries to crawl inside backpacks. But he doesn't like getting under the covers except when we have the air down too low.
My other cat, Brenden, wants me to pick him up immediately upon my leaving the shower, but hates getting wet at any other time. He whines for my attention at other times, but as soon I as try to pet him, he runs away. He also likes knocking things off of shelves, just to hear the sound they make when they hit the floor. He's mostly stopped doing this, except in the morning when he's trying to wake me up to be fed, and mewling hasn't worked. For a few days, he decided he liked sleeping on the top of my head, but unfortunately for him, he had fleas at the time, and so I'd remove him immediately. He won't do it anymore.
