Are there euros you have respect for, Asher?
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Originally posted by Spiffor
Asher, your demonstration would be fine and dandy if not for one thing.
Apolyton Plus took at least one year of lobbying by the site users, and Dan&Mark were very reluctant at first. The users wanted it because they wanted to support their favourite community without having to endure obnoxious ads, and also to afford more broadband to the site. Dan&Mark refused precisely because they anticipated a headache.
And of the thousands that populate 'Poly, and the hundreds who subscribed to Plus, you are the one who provided said headache. Congrats.
Mark is creating his own headache, and I just don't put up with it. I don't let people push me around.
You know why nobody supports you on this one? because no subscriber considers himself as a customer. Paying for 'Poly Plus is a way to support something we like, not an ordinary "customer pays for service" thing.
I don't care why Poly Plus started. I paid for it even though I don't view ads (I use adblock) because I did want to support a site I use very frequently. The problem is after I've paid for a 3-year subscription the admin refuse to even listen to what I have to say, ridicule me, and ban me for things that are not on Poly or things not in the rules.
They're clearly in the wrong here, and I really couldn't care less if anyone here "supported" me because that hasn't made a difference in the past."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
Originally posted by Ecthy
Are there euros you have respect for, Asher?"The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
Originally posted by Asher
And since you've repeatedly personally insulted me without the slightest provocation, if this site was fair you'd get a ban. Instead, nothing will happen and if I respond in kind (which you so obviously deserve, what with your hilarious 1940-1950s complex you have), and I'll smile and give you a thumbs up for being a lovable, huggable Euro.
And I don't see how you can call me obnoxious when you barge in the thread cussing and insulting without provocation.
Man, haven't you ever tried to hold a conversation with Mark and Dan?
Markos is always an ass (if John dropped off the face of the earth suddenly, rather than expressing concern for him Markos pretty much demands an explanation -- a bit selfish maybe), and DanQ is always so verbose, legalese, and downright aggravating.
I've had many PMs with them both and they're perhaps the least socially competent people on this site. Say what you want about me, but I can make posts without [all of the] insertions(sic) of an [aggravated] and [perhaps overzealous] (and demonstrably lacking in content) posts on this [web]site, Apolyton Civilization Site (ACS), established as the merger [between] two of the most [hideous] [web]sites on ths face of this planet. I can also make posts without Markos' genuinely self-centred and I-don't-care-what-you-think attitude (my code is fine, I'm a frickin porofessiaional!)
People were just responding to what you started. If you hadn't posted, none of the attacks on you would have happened... so you are the one responsible for all this... as much as you would people to believe otherwise.
This is typical of your style... and then you whine when action gets taken against you... and try to blame somebody else for YOUR actions...Keep on Civin'
RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O
Those aren't insults, they're observations. Markos is an ass to me, as I'm sure he'll admit himself. I'm still missing the connection -- how did this provoke Hueij? You need to spell that out for me, along with the "rules I broke" which was amazing considering I was banned and posting at another site when I broke them.
I've rarely even spoken to Hueji and here he is in several posts posting venomous insults and personal attacks at me.
And what does the administration do? Ignore it and admonish me.
Good example of what I was talking about, Ming.Clear and consistent enforcement of the rules, classy show. I like how you acknowledge he's breaking the rules of the site, but then take the time to yell at me when I think I've shown great restraint in not replying ***-for-tat...
"The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
Originally posted by cronos_qc
Googled "Glonkie" and I got:
very funny
"The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
Originally posted by Asher
Those aren't insults, they're observations. Markos is an ass to me, as I'm sure he'll admit himself.
I'm still missing the connection -- how did this provoke Hueij?
Again... you started with the personal insults, and then whine when somebody does it to you... You STARTED it...
I've rarely even spoken to Hueji and here he is in several posts posting venomous insults and personal attacks at me.
And what does the administration do? Ignore it and admonish me.
Good example of what I was talking about, Ming.
Clear and consistent enforcement of the rules, classy show. I like how you acknowledge he's breaking the rules of the site, but then take the time to yell at me when I think I've shown great restraint in not replying ***-for-tat...Keep on Civin'
RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O
Originally posted by Ming
Observations... yeah right. Most of your original post in this thread is just FULL of PERSONAL insults... which is indeed against the rules... Calling somebody an ass is an insult...
Let's see... you come in and start throwing around personal insults at the owners of this site... and then you wonder why some of the members of this "community" might want to insult you back...
Again... you started with the personal insults, and then whine when somebody does it to you... You STARTED it...
See above... you come dripping venom with your first post...
I called Markos an ass and then discussed why I thought so (his insensitivity to John's disappearance and "demanding" a reason). If you think that's "venomous" to anywhere near the level of Hueij's...
Yep... a PERFECT example of your typical actions... you start it, then whine when people return the favor.
Clear and consistent enforcement is to ban the person that starts it.... which you did... so if anybody should be banned here... it's you. Again, everybody can see your first post... even if you want to ignore that you started this all...
2) I barely "insulted" Markos by calling him an ass
3) Hueij went about 10x farther and harsher, repeatedly
4) You refuse to even warn him that this is unacceptable
And clear and consistent enforcement of the rules means if someone breaks the rules, they are banned and/or warned. Hueij broke the rules several times, VERY CLEARLY, and you refuse to do either.
Clear observations indeed -- this is the kind of **** you guys pull all the time. If you think calling someone insensitive about someone's disappearance an ass is unacceptable, then ban/warn. If you think Hueij's posts are unacceptable, then ban/warn.
Seriously guys, this is so simple. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how out of all of the people in the administration on this site nobody has figured out what it means to consistently enforce rules."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
Originally posted by Grandpa Troll
Well, I am a Plus Member in addition and co-existing as the current number two all time poster.Speaking of Erith:
"It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith