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My spoilerific review of x-men 3

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  • My spoilerific review of x-men 3

    Rating the movie in regards to entertainment: Pretty good, not great…. Not as good as either of the other 2.

    Rating the movies in regards to logic, plot, reason and x-men fandom…… awful.

    To reiterate the screams of myself and my friends as we left the theater, EVERYONE IS DEAD!


    Xavier, Gean, Cyclops…. Mystique is human, rogue, magneto… who knows….. the brother hood has been wiped out because of magnetos stupidity…


    We accept the fact that mutants are real, that’s a given….. if they just wanted to kill the kid and wipe out the building, why didn’t they JUST DO THAT! DROP THE BRIDGE ON THE ISLAND! Hell…… blow it up at a distance! Why the hell was the entire brotherhood running at them and punching, aren’t they mutants too?

    Geans motivations and actions for the entire movie, made no sense.

    Plot, sucked.

  • #2
    Jean, not Gean.

    You could just add this to the other thread, right?


    • #3
      Re: My spoilerific review of x-men 3

      Originally posted by Vesayen

      Xavier, ...
      Apparently you didn't stay until all the credits finished rolling.


      • #4
        GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!!

        What did I miss? Just tell me....


        • #5
          Well, Xavier may yet still be alive. Magneto may yet still have powers, as the cure may yet wear off.

          Doesn't make up for how less-than-grand the movie was, however.


          • #6
            What do you mean he may not be dead? He was de-atomized.... That puts you in the firmly "pretty ####ing dead" department in my book.


            • #7
              Do you recall the class scene where he's asking the children about the ethics of transferring a person's mind into the body of another - one that is only alive biologically and has no mind?

              Take a wild guess what he did just before he was obliterated.


              • #8
                Into whom?


                • #9
                  What did the scene after the credits actually show, him rising out of his bed?

                  How the hell do you transfer your consciousness out of your body, even with "psychic" powers.... you'd never get all the way.

                  Its like chasing your own shadow, or trying to eat your own head.... or putting one bag of holding inside another.

                  And even if he did, he'd just be human, not psychic..... thats just some body, not *HIS* super mutant body....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Q Cubed
                    Well, Xavier may yet still be alive. Magneto may yet still have powers, as the cure may yet wear off.
                    Yeah, I took the hint that the "cure" is only affective as long as it remains in your bloodstream. After all, any mutant affected by the boy was fine after leaving his presence. So Magneto is likely fine. Xavier is more complicated, as he is now in a new body - does he retains his power (since they were mental), or were they tied to his physical body, and now gone?


                    • #11
                      While plot, logic and reason had no place in this movie.... no, he shouldn't.

                      Even though that shouldn't be possible in x-men...... but if he did somehow transfer his consciousness, he should NOT be psychic anymore.


                      • #12
                        You don't actually see him - you see the nurse from the classroom video (she tends to the vegetable body). Then you hear Xavier's voice, calling her over and while I can't remember what she says, her voice is full of sadness, recognizing: a) who he is (obviously a pre-arranged emergency exit); and b) that his body is dead and maybe no longer has his powers.


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            In the comics, Emma Frost hs taken over several bodies including Iceman. Jean Grey once stored Xaviers mind in the same way that the chick in GitS:SAC stored her mind in cyberspace. Madeline Pryoe was a Jean Grey clone that didn't have powers, then sorta did by way of Phoenix. Stryfe was a Cable clone with unfettered access to his powers. Psylocke and Revanche switched minds. There's all sorts of this stuff that's gone on in the X-Universe - although I tend to think that most of this is just new writers trying to get characters back that they want to use.
                            I never know their names, But i smile just the same
                            New faces...Strange places,
                            Most everything i see, Becomes a blur to me
                            -Grandaddy, "The Final Push to the Sum"


                            • #15
                              Your right, it does happen ><

