Every time I connect a USB device, I get the message "USB high speed unit is connected to a slow hub", in other words, the computer has decided to downgrade my USB 2.0 to 1.1. That is the way it seems, at least.
I am absolutely certain that I have 2.0. I used to be able to burn a DVD in 12-13 minutes on my external Sony burner, now it takes me 1½ hours. The problem, i.e. the "downgrading" started after I bought and installed a USB connected scanner, which i never use anymore, and which is permanently disconnected from the pc. But since it was first installed last fall, I've had a permanently slow USB connection.
I've tried switching to different USB plugs/outlets, I've looked for driver upgrades on my Windows XP CD-rom and my mainboard CD-rom which came with the computer, I've installed the updates from Windows Update, and looked for clues in the Microsoft online library - and I can't find anything that will help solve the problem. All I can find is instructions on how to turn off the message of "High speed/low speed USB..", not how to make the computer recognize that I actually do have high speed USB.
I would very much like to hear if anyone has a solution to this. It's mostly a problem when I burn DVD's, as I always do a manual copy/read check after burning, which now takes another 1½ hours. So it's 3 hours total every time, compared to ~25 minutes the way it used to be.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I am absolutely certain that I have 2.0. I used to be able to burn a DVD in 12-13 minutes on my external Sony burner, now it takes me 1½ hours. The problem, i.e. the "downgrading" started after I bought and installed a USB connected scanner, which i never use anymore, and which is permanently disconnected from the pc. But since it was first installed last fall, I've had a permanently slow USB connection.
I've tried switching to different USB plugs/outlets, I've looked for driver upgrades on my Windows XP CD-rom and my mainboard CD-rom which came with the computer, I've installed the updates from Windows Update, and looked for clues in the Microsoft online library - and I can't find anything that will help solve the problem. All I can find is instructions on how to turn off the message of "High speed/low speed USB..", not how to make the computer recognize that I actually do have high speed USB.
I would very much like to hear if anyone has a solution to this. It's mostly a problem when I burn DVD's, as I always do a manual copy/read check after burning, which now takes another 1½ hours. So it's 3 hours total every time, compared to ~25 minutes the way it used to be.
Thanks in advance for any help.