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Best Prank Ever... or at least in while

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  • Best Prank Ever... or at least in while


    Prankster's pals turn room into man-size hamster cage
    Olympia resident finds new apartment transformed



    OLYMPIA — Luke Trerice knew revenge would come after he encased a friend's apartment in aluminum foil more than two years ago.

    Trerice, 28, did a gleeful dance of sorts when he opened the door to his downtown apartment and found one room had become a life-size hamster cage, according to witnesses. Hand-shredded newspapers 2-feet deep covered the floor, a giant water bottle dangled outside the window and a 6-foot hamster wheel sat prominently along one wall.

    “That's what you do — you get giddy,” said the prank's mastermind, Keith Jewell, a longtime friend of Trerice and aluminum-foil victim Chris Kirk.

    Back in January 2004, Trerice foiled Kirk's apartment when he was out of town. CD cases, books, dishes in the cupboards — hardly a thing was left untouched. For two weeks, Kirk was bombarded with media calls. Cleanup took two years. A giant ball of foil still sits in the basement of the complex.

    Revenge plotting began immediately.

    Jewell, 26, came up with the idea for the hamster cage; it was just a matter of waiting for the perfect time. Though Kirk moved to Colombia, his friends intended to carry out the plans without him.

    Trerice, too, was waiting to see what his friends would come up with. He even helped them out, making sure they knew it would be a month before he could move in to his apartment on Washington Street and Fifth Avenue after graduation from dental school in Las Vegas.

    “I knew that something was happening. They made no effort to hide it,” he said.

    Jewell, a theater set designer and computer networker, brought drawings to a machinist a month ago to build the frame of the wheel — two parallel 19-foot pipes looped into a ring. Using the machinist's shop, Jewell connected the rings with cross braces and hardware cloth and perched them on wheels. He suffered some head injuries when testing the ring.

    “If you spin upside down, you're not gripping the bars with your feet. So of course I went head first on the concrete,” he said.

    At noon the day before Trerice's planned arrival, it was crunch time. Jewell, who lives across the hall, and friends worked through the night shredding newspaper, blowing up a beach ball, installing the water bottle and filling the metal bucket with Cheetos. There wasn't time to finish lining the walls with wire fencing, put a bell in the ball or install the hand rail to try to prevent any further injuries in the wheel. A stack of newspapers still sits in the closet, unshredded.

    Eight people put in more than 100 hours assembling the room. Supplies cost $300.

    “It was a lot of work, but it was one of those cases where you do it because you have to,” Jewell said.

    Trerice has gradually started cleaning up, but trips to the recycling bin haven't made a dent in the pool of shreds.

    “I think this will take less than two years (to clean up). That's the gauge that I measure to see if I got off better than Chris did,” said Trerice, an Olympia native.

    The hamster wheel has proven popular entertainment for his friends, and it will become a permanent fixture in the room. After all, it took four people to push it into an oval shape that would fit up the stairwell and through the door.

    As Trerice begins his job search, he's also brainstorming.

    “I'm going to start saving up for my revenge plans,” he said. “They claim they did this on (Kirk's) behalf. If they think that's going to mitigate any of the revenge that's coming, well that's even funnier than the wheel.”

  • #2
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • #3
      Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


      • #4
        If you shop at best buy, you'll love this one

        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #5
          Not bad. They should of had some Geek Squad reps


          • #6
            I want a picture.
            "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

            Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


            • #7
              Only real friends would pull something like this.


              • #8
                My cohorts, one year, moved my office to the middle of the computer room one night. The details were perfect. Every wall hanging was suspended from the ceiling in the exact right spot. They installed voice and data so everything worked. It was quite a job. I was impressed. The only problem was that it was such a good replication that I just worked there without saying a word all day till I was ready to leave, when I just casually mentioned that if it all was not back in my office by the following morning, i'd fire the whole third shift. If they had enough free time to do it in the first place, they had enough free time to put it back.

                Needless to say, it was all meticulously put back by the next morning.
                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #9
                  You know you've been on 'poly a long time when you remember the original foil guys thread, and you remember that rah posted his story in that thread too.
                  "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                  Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                  • #10
                    The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

                    Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jaguar
                      You know you've been on 'poly a long time when you remember the original foil guys thread, and you remember that rah posted his story in that thread too.
                      12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                      Stadtluft Macht Frei
                      Killing it is the new killing it
                      Ultima Ratio Regum


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rah
                        If you shop at best buy, you'll love this one

                        That was hilarious!
                        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)

