I was waivoring on my support for these illegal immigrants, but today has certainly pushed me in one direction.
Besides getting horrible service almost everywhere I went, when I went to eat at a realatively nice resteraunt, because they had lost the bulk of their cooks they had people that shouldn't have been cooking in the first place. And of course I get food poisening from raw chicken, so I am very ill about this.
This whole days setup risked alienating the common American, well they didn't just alienate me, I will now do everything in my power to see that they fail. And in the future when my armies of darkeness are triumphuntly crushing the world, I will remember this slight and probably have certain places sacked for this INSULT!
I'd deliever a message to the illegals, but as they can rarely speak let alone read english, I suppose you'll have to do listening to this.
They really shouldn't have gotten me all riled up, bad things happen when I have steam to my anger as many of you are aware of....
Illegals are conspiring to kill me, well they have messed with the wrong person. I might even consider voting for loathsome republicans b/c of this. We all now the republicans want me dead, but they haven't come this close yet, so my focus is changed. EOM
Besides getting horrible service almost everywhere I went, when I went to eat at a realatively nice resteraunt, because they had lost the bulk of their cooks they had people that shouldn't have been cooking in the first place. And of course I get food poisening from raw chicken, so I am very ill about this.
This whole days setup risked alienating the common American, well they didn't just alienate me, I will now do everything in my power to see that they fail. And in the future when my armies of darkeness are triumphuntly crushing the world, I will remember this slight and probably have certain places sacked for this INSULT!
I'd deliever a message to the illegals, but as they can rarely speak let alone read english, I suppose you'll have to do listening to this.
They really shouldn't have gotten me all riled up, bad things happen when I have steam to my anger as many of you are aware of....
Illegals are conspiring to kill me, well they have messed with the wrong person. I might even consider voting for loathsome republicans b/c of this. We all now the republicans want me dead, but they haven't come this close yet, so my focus is changed. EOM