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Are male (humans) designed to reject their Fathers?

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  • Are male (humans) designed to reject their Fathers?

    and vice a versa, Father's to eventually reject the proximity of their sons? This is documented as the case in many Mammallian species, so it would seem it might so be the case in our own

    From my own experience.. as much as I love my Dad, and recognize what he's done for our family (like HUGE amounts) - he just.. pisses me off. Every damn hour I'm near him he'll do or say something so illogical and aggravating that it would seem he's subconsciously trying to piss me off (and perhaps myself the same to him). And we fight, constantly. It's like a bad episode of American Chopper, which I'm also sure he's subconsciously emulating. If not that, re-enacting his childhood with his Father, the once strict, stern "damaged by War" type (who's actually an amazing, gentle person now)

    I think my Dad was more or less chased out of the household for being the Maverick of the children, and that this is one way or another repeating itself in our household. There are two other brothers in the household - the middle brother definitely gets along much more buddy to buddy with Dad, and the youngest brother is the little princess who can't do anything wrong to upset him.

    Is it all a natural cycle of chasing the oldest one off to learn to fend for (him)self, then moving on to the next?

  • #2
    Oedipus complex



    • #3
      I assume you want to have sex with your mother too?


      • #4
        I think that as kids grow up they naturally reject the trappings of past developmental stages. An 8 year old will feign nausea over 'Barney" even if 2 years before he couldn't stop singing Barney's songs. A 13 year old will turn his nose up at Scobby Doo. An 18 year old knows deep down that the apron strings need to be cut and that he needs his own space. Fortunately we've figured out how to avoid having to kill off the alpha male.
        "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


        • #5
          Originally posted by EPW
          I assume you want to have sex with your mother too?
          No, but the girls I date so often share the same looks / characteristics she has. And why does everyone take Freud so literally, anyway.. we've all got Oedipus complex. He just explained the idea in the most polarized form possible to get it past the idiots who lack subtlety in imagination

          Fortunately we've figured out how to avoid having to kill off the alpha male.
          No male mammalian species actually KILLs their father though, do they?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Zylka

            No, but the girls I date so often share the same looks / characteristics she has. And why does everyone take Freud so literally, anyway.. we've all got Oedipus complex. He just explained the idea in the most polarized form possible to get it past the idiots who lack subtlety in imagination
            No, Freud meant what he wrote. Its just that their are other factors, like the ego and super-ego preventing us from taking action.

            Edit: and yoru displaying your desire to have sex with your mother by going out with other girls who look like her.


            • #7
              Originally posted by EPW

              Edit: and yoru displaying your desire to have sex with your mother by going out with other girls who look like her.
              No, I'm displaying my subconscious desire for a new "Mother" figure capable of raising my own children.

              Its just that their are other factors, like the ego and super-ego preventing us from taking action.
              How does that work? And wasn't this guy just a batsh** anti-semite, anyway?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Zylka
                No, I'm displaying my subconscious desire for a new "Mother" figure capable of raising my own children.
                No, your super-ego knows that you will be rejected from sociaty if you have sex with your mother....but your id wants the sex, so your subconcious comes in and says you can have sex with other girls who look like your mother.

                How does that work? And wasn't this guy just a batsh** anti-semite, anyway?
                First of all you have an uncounciousness which is divided into three parts: Id, super-ego, and ego.

                Id wants pleasure, super-ego represents moral standards, and ego is the mediator between the two.


                • #9
                  I don't believe any of this bull**** by the way.


                  • #10
                    I think that space is needed. Often, unless one side or the other (or both) has burnt bridges, people get along a bit better later in life.

                    I know that I loved my father, but sometimes I didn't want to be arround him. And I definitely didn't want to live in daily contact with him. But now he is gone, and I miss him.

                    Although my dad's case is a bit different, in that he has issues (some relating to his brain damage) which made it very difficult to be arround him at times (in fact, I think only a masochist would). I don't really blame my siblings for not wanting to be arround him, I didn't often. Anyways, it was a bad situation, and I miss him.

                    Jon Miller
                    (of course, I didn't really reject him, and there were more and much more serious issues between him and every other member of the family, but I did move away)
                    Jon Miller-
                    I AM.CANADIAN
                    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                    • #11
                      You don't believe Freud.. and neither do I. so why cite him?

                      And in any case, this is less about some philisophical take on society and self and more an inquisition into the biological tendencies of rejection that may be exisitent in humans. Anything on that?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Zylka
                        You don't believe Freud.. and neither do I. so why cite him?
                        It explains your desire to kill your father and have sex with your mother.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jon Miller
                          I think that space is needed. Often, unless one side or the other (or both) has burnt bridges, people get along a bit better later in life.

                          I know that I loved my father, but sometimes I didn't want to be arround him. And I definitely didn't want to live in daily contact with him. But now he is gone, and I miss him.

                          Although my dad's case is a bit different, in that he has issues (some relating to his brain damage) which made it very difficult to be arround him at times (in fact, I think only a masochist would). I don't really blame my siblings for not wanting to be arround him, I didn't often. Anyways, it was a bad situation, and I miss him.

                          Jon Miller
                          (of course, I didn't really reject him, and there were more and much more serious issues between him and every other member of the family, but I did move away)
                          That sounds difficult, Jon. But also good in that you know where you stood, during

                          I haven't seen you on AIM in a long time. Do you still play A&A?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by EPW

                            It explains your desire to kill your father and have sex with your mother.
                            That's nice. Outside of both my acceptance, and your own. Hey, if the pieces (barely) fit, right? Plus, I love how neatly packaged into threes Freud's theory is. The basis and format of any ideological-huckster, myself included


                            • #15
                              I don't have internet access at home. I suppose that means I should be working... (since I am at work)

                              But I am also just sort of tired.

                              I would love to play some A&A, I even bought the new one but it is still sitting in my car.

                              Jon Miller
                              Jon Miller-
                              I AM.CANADIAN
                              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

