I'm sure that there have been plenty of "kids say the darndest things" threads here over the years, but I've gotta tell this one.
My wife and I have a 2 1/2 year-old daughter. About a month ago, I was playing some SMAC, busily pursuing my wars with Lal and Morgan. Mrs. GameGeek and Little Miss GameGeek were watching tv or something. Anyway, Little Miss wanders in and asks, "Whatcha doin', Daddy?" I sat there for a moment, trying to figure out just how to explain it all to a 2 1/2 year-old. I know that "I've just launched a needlejet offensive to keep Lal's bases busy building garrison units so as to avoid drone riots while I build transports that can move my chaos rovers into position to launch a land invasion," is a bit much for a child her age. So I just said "I'm conquering the planet." For an instant, she looked disappointed. Then she looked up at me and said, "I wanna conquer da planet." I was so DARN PROUD! She crawled up in my lap and proceeded to "help Daddy conquer da planet." She kept wanting me to attack "the castle" (Peacekeeper HQ).
At any rate, last week, while I was at work, Mrs. GameGeek was emailing on our computer and in walked Little Miss, who asked Mrs. GG "whatcha doin', Mommy?" Mrs. GG told her she was emailing. And sure enough, Little Miss replied, "I wanna conquer da planet." Again, I was so DARN PROUD!
Mrs. GG tells me that I'm corrupting Little Miss. I tell her that I'm working on developing long-range thinking and complex problem solving skills in our daughter.
My wife and I have a 2 1/2 year-old daughter. About a month ago, I was playing some SMAC, busily pursuing my wars with Lal and Morgan. Mrs. GameGeek and Little Miss GameGeek were watching tv or something. Anyway, Little Miss wanders in and asks, "Whatcha doin', Daddy?" I sat there for a moment, trying to figure out just how to explain it all to a 2 1/2 year-old. I know that "I've just launched a needlejet offensive to keep Lal's bases busy building garrison units so as to avoid drone riots while I build transports that can move my chaos rovers into position to launch a land invasion," is a bit much for a child her age. So I just said "I'm conquering the planet." For an instant, she looked disappointed. Then she looked up at me and said, "I wanna conquer da planet." I was so DARN PROUD! She crawled up in my lap and proceeded to "help Daddy conquer da planet." She kept wanting me to attack "the castle" (Peacekeeper HQ).
At any rate, last week, while I was at work, Mrs. GameGeek was emailing on our computer and in walked Little Miss, who asked Mrs. GG "whatcha doin', Mommy?" Mrs. GG told her she was emailing. And sure enough, Little Miss replied, "I wanna conquer da planet." Again, I was so DARN PROUD!
Mrs. GG tells me that I'm corrupting Little Miss. I tell her that I'm working on developing long-range thinking and complex problem solving skills in our daughter.
