Originally posted by Lawrence of Arabia
becuase you also bring in less endowments, and your graduates have no money to donate for new labs etc. thats why you pay the same.
becuase you also bring in less endowments, and your graduates have no money to donate for new labs etc. thats why you pay the same.
Some of the grads from my old school ain't short of a bob. One was president of some ridiculously large bank.
You have a weird idea of the humanities. Half the time we are the people who end up telling you what to do.
And not everyone cares about money. I was really good at science and math, but I wanted to do something else. I could even make a lot more money than I do now if I went into the private sector: my academic record is certainly better than most folks (I should know, I've seen them).
On the other hand, I just don't care. I currently have more money than I know what to do with. I now own the computer I've always wanted; I have books and CDs coming out the wazoo, and I don't care for clothes, cars, or expensive holidays – all that stuff is pointless ****. I'd rather spend my time reading about Greek philosophy and talking about it with other people who like the same thing. It certainly has a more practical bearing on my life than anything to do with science.