Originally posted by Thorn
Don't you wish it was that just that benign.
I suppose I can give you all some cliff notes here, or as I nice idea for a book that I'd never get past the publisher yet:
"Evil Rants for Dummies":
I have been betrayed and injured by almost everyone I care about and my patience has expired, therefore with the help of an Arch-Demon Lord named Madrigal I am going to corrupt God's will destroying his protection of holy places and peoples, and control channeled evil energy to move world leaders around like pawns and to destroy the world with no physical action by me, but by spiritual control via the Demonic entity.
I could have posted that, but that would take out all the fun now wouldn't it?
I've found myself a new calling that is so much more fullfilling that merely being a political pariah would ever have allowed.
Don't you wish it was that just that benign.
I suppose I can give you all some cliff notes here, or as I nice idea for a book that I'd never get past the publisher yet:
"Evil Rants for Dummies":
I have been betrayed and injured by almost everyone I care about and my patience has expired, therefore with the help of an Arch-Demon Lord named Madrigal I am going to corrupt God's will destroying his protection of holy places and peoples, and control channeled evil energy to move world leaders around like pawns and to destroy the world with no physical action by me, but by spiritual control via the Demonic entity.
I could have posted that, but that would take out all the fun now wouldn't it?

I've found myself a new calling that is so much more fullfilling that merely being a political pariah would ever have allowed.

You can't channel the powers of the Arch Demon Madrigal without the Sceptor of Malice. Even then you need to be able to recite the incantations in the Old Tongue, which itself takes decades of study to master. Frankly, it's just not worth it.