Originally posted by Zkribbler
Since the last 70's, the stardard of living for the average working guy (i.e. not college educated; not blue collar) and either drifted downward or remained static ... with the exception of a few years towards the end of the Clinton adminstration.
Since the last 70's, the stardard of living for the average working guy (i.e. not college educated; not blue collar) and either drifted downward or remained static ... with the exception of a few years towards the end of the Clinton adminstration.
Not quite. Our standard of living has increased by about 50% since the 1970s, but only because we now have two income families. The average wage (which includes guys like Trump and Gates) has dropped 10% since 1973. During Clinton's second term, real wages had actually increased for the first time in 20 years, but we lost it all after 9/11.
The Fed still seems more interested in keeping wages down than anything else, so it may be sometime before the rest of America sees something good come of our masters' wealth.