Originally posted by One_more_turn
Why is the Dollar still rallying then?
Why is the Dollar still rallying then?
I think the primary reason why the CAD is so large is because US companies manufacture everything overseas, but bank all their profits in the US.
You are wrong, sir. If they bank their profits in the US said profits are already counted in the US for the purposes of the current account balance. The primary reason the CAB is so large is an overvalued US dollar coupled with consumer stupidity in the US.
Apple doesn't manufacture the iPods in the US. It is subcontracted to some Taiwanese outfits (Honhai Precision among them) who survive on razor-thin profit margins. Meanwhile, Apple HAS TO IMPORT the iPods for sale in the US and pockets insane amount of profits. During last 2 years, Apple's cash on its balance sheet has doubled from $5 Billion to almost $10 Billion, while increasing its R&D and marketing expenses by another 60% (That's job creation!).
Any R&D and marketing done in the US will be counted in the US. Since Apple is a US company such expenditures don't figure at all. If they were a non-US company such expenditures would be counted as a service credit for the US in the CAB
Where does Apple store its profits then? I doubt the money will be in Bank of China, or Mitsubishi Bank, or HBC, or Royal Bank of Canada, or Deutsche Bank, or UBS. The money will most likely be banked in an US outfit, such as Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc...
And such profit is, as I've said, already accounted for. The only money that counts against the US CAB in this whole Apple process is the amount they have to send to Taiwan for the iPods that Americans are buying.
Who gets the best deal out of the whole process?
The rest of the world is doing fine. It's you who are mortgaging your country to pay for current consumption.