So, fellow USAians, what's yer marginal federal income tax rate. Everyone knows how much we ***** and moan about being taxed, but lets look at some numbers. To get yer marginal rate you compare the tax you actually pay against your gross income.
I came up with 5.6% for myself.
Of course, that really isn't the end of it. For those of us making under $100K, 13.5% is lopped off top, and then there's sales taxes and state income taxes and various fees and what not. Still, in direct taxes, I paid about 20% of my income last year to the US, Florida, and Broward and Dade counties.
I came up with 5.6% for myself.
Of course, that really isn't the end of it. For those of us making under $100K, 13.5% is lopped off top, and then there's sales taxes and state income taxes and various fees and what not. Still, in direct taxes, I paid about 20% of my income last year to the US, Florida, and Broward and Dade counties.