Just wondering where we're headed...
Item 1, from yesterday's Salon:
Item 2, from today's International Herald Tribune:
So it looks like we're headed toward Western societies where higher education and elite culture will be disproportionately the realm of women. Will power shift in the same way? Or will men continue to rule societies that, increasingly, they are neither smart enough or insightful enough to understand?
Matriarchy or the New Barbarianism? What think you?
Item 1, from yesterday's Salon:
The statistics are revealing: Fewer men apply to colleges every year and those who do disproportionately occupy the lowest quarter of the applicant pool. Thirty-five years ago, in the early days of widespread coeducation, the gender ratio on campuses averaged 43-57, female to male. Now, uniformly, the old ratios have been inverted. Across races and classes -- and to some extent, around the Western world -- women are more likely to apply to college and, once enrolled, more likely to stick around through graduation.
Since the 1960s, there has been a fundamental change in the profile of cultural "consumers." Not only do women read more books, visit more museums and art exhibitions and attend more performing arts events, but the male-female cultural gap also continues to widen.
Matriarchy or the New Barbarianism? What think you?