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Apolyton Support Group Brainstorming

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  • Apolyton Support Group Brainstorming

    And no this isn't for civ addiction.

    I don't normally help people much I'm kinda lazy, like a lot of you, but I was thinking that it as about damn time I get around to doing it.... and for all the right reasons.... I've been in the community for the better part of 7 years now... and I and others have grown attached to each other in the forum sense of the word.

    I was thinking with the world climate like its, that we should set up some sort of support group to help the community (of Apolyton) get through the times... to help each other if things turn bad....

    Some of you will say it is WAY premature... but I say its better to have some working plan or even ideas, so if things do turn bad enough in the world and start readily affecting us we'll have some idea of what to do... and not go crazy and close the Off-topic or something.....

    I haven't talked to Mark Dan, or Ming/rah..... about it yet, but I welcome their input...

    Ideas I'll throw out for ya:

    *A possible sticky thread in the OT or a forum even, not yet of course, cause it isn't necessary...

    *Some sort of organizational scheme to keep in touch with our members, if they get directly effected by world events. Sorta like a MIA (Missing in Action) list.....

    *People dedicated to helping people survive emotionally, we don't have to be trained pychologists, or anything like that... but some (generally speaking) optomists that will dedicate their time online here at the forums or offline (like AIM or ICQ or real life even) in to helping fellow Apolytoners get through any major global changes..... all we need is people that TALK to others and try to make them feel better about things.....

    *We need to help each other. Instead of sitting by and watching anyone in our community truely suffer (not in some petty I lost the arguement kind of way, but my life is being effected badly kind of way by things in the world).

    *We also need to watch the behavior of members in our community should that act strangely or take things badly if things get out of hand in the world..... keep a close eye on depressed likely posters..... or even some of our fanatics, should their worldview fall apart or something.... after all the last thing we want is some inaction letting one of our members continue on a path of self-destruction when we could have possible helped.

    We could have set something like this up after 9/11, but the future my hold more broad implications and effects on our members than this even..... its better to be safe then sorry......

    Believe me I don't believe in my heart my mind, or my soul, that the world is going to end literally, I just think things are going to get a LOT worse before they get better.

    I think my idea is actually a good idea (for a change)... and it is better to have some ideas floating around, just in case, then to not have any kind of plan at all.... It's just my thoughts.......

    comments, questions, critisism even?
    "Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS!"​​

  • #2
    Did anyone else read the title as "Apolyton Support Group Barnstorming" ?
    The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.

    The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.


    • #3
      I missed this thread before.

      I wonder. Is it wise to have crazy people give crazy people advice. . It's like the romance threads where single people give single people advice. Okay some of you are married, though I don't know how you managed that. .

      seriously, some of you all need to seek professional help. Myself included. I'm just not sure I want to pay $80 a week to have somebody tell me I'm ****ed up. You guys tell me I'm ****ed up for free. . I guess that's what the purpose of this thread is.

      But as for now, I'm doing very well. I have not a single complaint in my life.


      • #4
        Maybe we can start thread to give advice about:

        Sex/Approaching woman/issue with sex/ sex again/ approaching woman and maybe our own sexual dissfunctionnal lives...

        But without kiddin: A real thread to give advice to guy who have difficulty approaching woman, having personnal issue with girl, sex issue, romance.

        Things like that!!


        • #5
          I"m a tad drunk, but I meant to say this earlier (when I was sober)

          how should we respond when someone (who shall remain nameless) makes casual remarks about ending their lives. I can't remain silent on this issue. Deal with it.

          I often see people ignore this. Is that the best idea? But on the other hand it's really just a desperate plea for negative attention. I know all about negative attention. I know all about feeling sorry for myself and trying to get pity attention from other people. I have no answers on this. I have said I'm out of my depression, though occasionally I'm down and still occasionally think of suicide. Though not now. I'm high on life. Not serious thoughts mind you. I ain't goin' out like that. But there are other posters I wonder about...

          Here's what I have to say to them. Your life can't possibly be as pathetic as mine. And I'm doin' okay. So get over it. See my picture in the Apolyton photo gallery. And even how I look, I still get offers. I'm just too stuck up to accept them. I currently have this white trash girl after me. But as they say, beggars can't be choosers. I'm going to take up her offer.

          But I'm drunk, so don't ever mention this again. as for the rest of you. I already menioned it. If I can get laid, then so can you. those are my words of wisdom (or drunkeness- same difference )


          • #6
            Just buy houses inland on top of hills, we'll all be fine
            Speaking of Erith:

            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith

