The place of DNA evidence in police investigative work and in trial court proceedings is becoming more and more prominent, especially for the more severe cases involving various degrees of bodily harm to others.
At present, here in Denmark, a person charged with an offense punishable by imprisonment for 18 months or more will automatically have his DNA sampled, and added to the growing database of profiles used for comparison with evidence in unsolved cases, both existing and future ones.
Scores of old cases are being solved on this basis each month, and as the database grows, the ratio of "new" cases solved in various categories keeps going up.
Why not extend this highly succesful practice (in terms of solving otherwise unsolvable cases) to the entire population, and make it mandatory to provide a DNA sample for all people, not just the ones being charged with a crime?
I don't see the harm in being in a properly safeguarded and regulated database, unless of course one plans to commit a criminal offense involving the depositing of DNA..
At present, here in Denmark, a person charged with an offense punishable by imprisonment for 18 months or more will automatically have his DNA sampled, and added to the growing database of profiles used for comparison with evidence in unsolved cases, both existing and future ones.
Scores of old cases are being solved on this basis each month, and as the database grows, the ratio of "new" cases solved in various categories keeps going up.
Why not extend this highly succesful practice (in terms of solving otherwise unsolvable cases) to the entire population, and make it mandatory to provide a DNA sample for all people, not just the ones being charged with a crime?
I don't see the harm in being in a properly safeguarded and regulated database, unless of course one plans to commit a criminal offense involving the depositing of DNA..