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Who will win the Big Game - Participate and we’ll pay for your party!

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  • Who will win the Big Game - Participate and we’ll pay for your party!

    Last edited by Urban Ranger; January 22, 2006, 10:37.

  • #2
    Is it just me, or are we getting more spammers lately?
    "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
    "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
    Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

    "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis


    • #3
      No, we are certainly getting more spammers. As probably the only major forum to NOT have anti-spam-bot protection in the form of numbers/letters when you sign up, bots seem to be targetting us more.
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • #4
        WHO WILL WIN?

        DEEZ NUTZ, *****!!!
        To us, it is the BEAST.

