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Apolyton Cuisine - Breakfast, sauces, sandwiches, work out food, vegetable soups!

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  • Apolyton Cuisine - Breakfast, sauces, sandwiches, work out food, vegetable soups!

    A sanctuary of recipe exchange! Post stuff that springs to your mind and that's tasty.

    Me, I've only just started trying around with stuff, so I'll post some very basic stuff later on.

    First questions for getting things started:

    1. What constitutes a good workout diet?

    2. What good chocolate cookie recipes do you know?

    3. How do you compose your pasta sauce? Because that's what you do, you don't just cook it...

  • #2
    Re: Apolyton Cuisine - Breakfast, sauces, sandwiches, work out food, vegetable soups!

    Originally posted by Ecthy

    First questions for getting things started:

    1. What constitutes a good workout diet?

    2. What good chocolate cookie recipes do you know?
    "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

    “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


    • #3
      All you need is a full English Breakfast and you are set for even the hardest of day's work.
      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


      • #4
        What kind of Pasta Sauce?

        Regardless, pasta sauce always begins with olive oil and garlic. Afterwards?

        Tomato sauce and pepper flakes
        Cream and Parmagean Cheese
        Basil and toasted pine nuts, ground to a pulp

        As for cookies, I don't bake.

        A good workout diet should have a good source of carbs, mean fiber and short chain surgars, a lot of Iron such as red meat and no rice unless you are going to run a marathon the next day.


        • #5
          You answered your first question with your second.
          "The French caused the war [Persian Gulf war, 1991]" - Ned
          "you people who bash Bush have no appreciation for one of the great presidents in our history." - Ned
          "I wish I had gay sex in the boy scouts" - Dissident


          • #6
            Alright, one thing I've inherited from my father is a need to constantly vary the way I produce my pasta sauce.

            I always do tomato, that's for sure. I don't like either mushrooms in it nor a cheese based one. But the first question is - what do we use as base material?

            Supermarkets offer several ways to answer this question - puree, "pizza tomato" paste (peeked and roughly cut), peeled only, as well as prefabricated "complete" sauces in glassed.

            Puree is way too strongly concentrated to use it as base material, but we will need it later on to spice up. Peeled only tomatoes come in whole pieces, so you'd have to cut them, which brings us to the pizza tomato version of them. Dumping the prefabricated stuff should be a given.

            Now that we know what we use for a basis, how do we get started? I always start off with frying onions in olive oil, but this is already the first way to vary - you can totally skip the onion, use garlic instead, or both. Next comes - depending on if you are vegetarian or not - salami or pepperoni, or just plain ham, cut into small pieces. If all that is golden and brown, you add the tomato basis.

            You might say that was easy, and much too primitive to be posted as a recipe. But now comes the real killer - what spices do you add? What do you do to make it TASTE like something, and something SPECIAL at that!

            We've already spiced it with garlic and onion, now comes the weed - you can never go wrong with basil and oregano, but let's not stick to that too much. Marjoram is also possible, as is nutmeg and rosemary. That's right, ROSEMARY.

            Have you ever added cheese to your tomato sauce? It provides a nicer consistency and, if chosen wisely, adds some cheesy-spicy flavour. Feta cheese is always an option for this one.

            Talking about consistency, the plain chopped "pizza" tomatoes don't usually provide a strong enough tomato-esque aroma, so it is clever to add tomato puree. But don't make that one the base of it all, or your sauce will give people an iron-shock.

            Don't mix too many different spices into one sauce. 2 types of green spice usually suffice. Add salt if you don't do ham or salami in the beginning. Some pepper maybe.

            Ever added vinegar? Try it out!


            • #7
              Dauphin, no man with sense could ever eat sausage and baked beans in the morning.


              • #8
                A good sandwich for in between needs no expensive dressing or stuff:

                2 slices of toast
                2 slices of cheese (no Brit cheddar sh!t, just regular)
                2 slices of ham/chicken/turkey
                2 slices of tomato (sliced, obviously)
                1 slice of lettuce
                add spices if you want


                • #9
                  With my kidney stones I don't know if I can make it anymore, but here is my decadent pasta sauce...

                  Sweet 'N Hot Pasta

                  Note: use linguini or spaghetti, al dente naturally, with butter and salt (not oil) otherwise make the pasta normally.

                  1 Package of ground beef (enough to make a dozen balls)
                  breadcrumbs, approx 1 cup
                  2 eggs
                  3 heaping tablespoons brown sugar
                  salt and pepper to taste
                  dried flaked chili pepper, 1 tablespoon
                  Mixed Italian spices (which mean Tarragon and Oregano at minimum) half-cup (lots)

                  Knead into balls, cook in oven at 400 approx 20-25 min (should finish with sauce)

                  Pour cooking sherry in frying pan, enough to just cover the pan.
                  3-4 containers of tomato paste
                  1 cup Mixed Italians
                  1/2 cup brown sugar
                  1/4 cup dried flaked chili peppers
                  half chopped onion
                  2-3 cloves finely diced garlic, or powder if u must
                  3 Italian sausages, mild to spicy, cut into pieces
                  Cubed mozzarella cheese, approximately 650grams, or 'half a packet'

                  Add the tomato paste to the Sherry. Then the sausage pieces. Add all ingredients except cheese and mix thoughly. Cook on medium. stir frequently to cook sausages in sauce. After approx. 20 minutes add cheese cubes and stir well to mix cheese througly.

                  Turn off heat and add meatballs. Add butter or olive oil to pasta after draining, stir well, then add saunce while stirring well. Serves four once, 2 for 2 days, or 1 for 3 days.
                  "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
                  "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
                  "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


                  • #10
                    Name: Caramelization is Our Friend
                    Recipe: Beef Pot Roast

                    1 beef roast
                    4 onions(white or Spnaish), 4 Apples (Royal Gala sweet apples), quartered (keep onion quarters intact!!!)
                    dozen baby carrots, halved
                    dozen baby potatoes, halved
                    4 tablespoons Worcestershire saunce
                    dash (just a dash) of red wine vinegar
                    1/2 cup dill
                    1 garlic clove or powder very finely diced
                    1 full cup brown sugar
                    1 cup plain water
                    salt and pepper to taste
                    Optional: Yellow or Red Sweet Peppers
                    Do NOT add butter or oil

                    1. mix dill, salt 'n pepa, water, vinegar, and worcestershire sauce, half cup sugar, and set aside

                    2. Take out beef roast and pound and knead it by hand (unfrozen, natch). Beat it hard! Beat it like a 14 year old abusing himself! But don't destroy it's shape. This will tenderize your meat.

                    3. Score beef roast with deep triangular cuts all down its length. Remove the pieces cut out and throw away you wasteful capitalist pig. The scorings you've cut should be wide enough to nestle onions and apples, quartered.

                    4. Arrange baby carrot and potatoe halves around the roast, alternating for effect.

                    5. Drizzile 1/3 mixture from 1. into scorings. Insert apple and onion quarters into scorings and soak everything (veggies, meat, toppings) with mixture.

                    6. Use the remaining 1/2 cup of brown sugar to coat your apples and onions. (sprinkle a little on roast too) This is to 'caramelize' them so make sure they are all coated.

                    Place on third rack of oven at 250 (use discretion) for 8 hours, then 400 for last hour, 9 hours total. Check and use observation halfway through, every oven is different. If you need to turn up/down, do it!! You may need to play with this recipe a few times to get caramelization to turn out perfectly.

                    Do NOT add more water, 1 cup is quite enough to keep extra moist and tender.

                    This recipe can be done in a crockpot/slowcooker if you are lucky enough to have one.

                    Once done, the onions and apples should be crunchy and sweet, not soggy. Enjoy! Should be enough for 4 hearty eaters, or 2 parents and 2-3 kids.
                    "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
                    "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
                    "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


                    • #11
                      Quick 1st breakfast:

                      A bowl of oatmeal
                      1 banana, sliced
                      1-3 dry apricots/plums/prunes/figs/dates, sliced
                      Chocolate flakes

                      Followed maybe by:

                      1 boiled egg
                      1 slice of toast/dark bread


                      • #12
                        Name: Soup Simplex
                        Recipe: Soup

                        Water, enough to fill pot up 3/4
                        salt 'n pepa to taste. Go heavy on the pepper. Enthusiasts may which to subsitute Cayenne or Cajun spice instead of pepper for a little more kick.
                        Onion, White or Spanish
                        Beef Stock, 1/4 cup
                        Breadcrumbs, or homemade pieces of shreadded bread, approx 1/4 cup.
                        Onion Powder, 3 heaping tablespoons
                        Cheese, cubed, something dry and flavourful (not mozzarella or cheddar, havarti is good), or dry and spicy, approx 200 g

                        1. Mix stock, pepper, powder, water, bread, cheese cubes.

                        2. Chop onion, leaving pieces large.

                        3. Bring to boil. When it reaches boil, add large onion pieces. Watch and test onion with side of spoon for texture. You want these pieces only JUST cooked, still crunchy and al dente. Use your discretion.

                        Good for 1 hearty, or 2-3 kids increase recipe appropriately for others

                        Options for this recipe: Add a dash, just a little bit by discretion, of flour and and boil longer to thicken. Can also been done with any stock, chicken, fish, etc but I prefer the beef + onions combo.
                        "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
                        "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
                        "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


                        • #13
                          Name: Pork, the Ones You Love
                          Recipe: Chops

                          3-4 pork chops
                          8-12 strips Maple bacon, or 4-6 strips Canadian back bacon
                          6-8 toothpicks
                          salt 'n pepa to taste

                          flour, 1/4 cup
                          spirits: approx 1 shot glass worth, Bourbon of Good Character, Spiced Rum, Lamb's navy Rum, JD, or Jamesons. Do not waste Glenfiddich on this sauce. Something relatively flavourful and sweet. Amarreto may work.
                          1-2 tablespons worcestershire sauce
                          lard, 100 grams
                          real creamy butter, approx 100 grams

                          1.Melt lard butte in microwave.

                          2. add to saucepan. Mix other ingredients in saucepan on medium until sauce thickens.

                          3. Wrap 2 pieces of bacon around each edge of the chops. Each chop should have 1 strip on each side and be completely surrounded. Attache with toothpick on each end.

                          4. Oven 400 degrees approx 20-25 minutes.

                          5. Cover in sauce.

                          Optional: Vegetable sidedish of baby carrots in butter, or halved baby potatoes in garlic-butter and dill.

                          7. DO NOT EAT TOOTHPICKS.

                          Serves 2 hearty eaters or 4 kids.
                          "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
                          "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
                          "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


                          • #14
                            Re: Apolyton Cuisine - Breakfast, sauces, sandwiches, work out food, vegetable soups!

                            Originally posted by Ecthy
                            How do you compose your pasta sauce?
                            Open up a jar of Ragu.

                            Here's my own receipe for vegetable soup.

                            1) NOT water -- V-8 juice [<--secret ingredient]
                            2) various vegetables (chopped up) that I see while walking thru the produce section, usually consisting of something like:
                            2a) a couple of potatoes
                            2b) scallions (aka green onions) or purple onion, brown onion, or white onion -- whatever
                            2c) a bunch of radishes
                            2d) bell peppers (at least green, prob'ly red & yellow, and maybe orange)
                            2e) a zucchini
                            2f) a couple of carrots
                            2g) some broccoli, maybe, if I'm in the mood
                            2f) some parsley [to counteract the bad breath caused by the scallions]
                            2g) a handful of mushrooms
                            2h) a couple of sticks celery
                            2i) what else? I tossed in some beets once, maybe a small squash
                            2j) season with black pepper and maybe some hot sauce.
                            Last edited by Zkribbler; January 4, 2006, 21:30.


                            • #15
                              Re: Apolyton Cuisine - Breakfast, sauces, sandwiches, work out food, vegetable soups!

                              Originally posted by Ecthy
                              1. What constitutes a good workout diet?
                              Eat dinner for breakfast.

                              2. What good chocolate cookie recipes do you know?

                              Any will do as long as you have the right *special* ingrediant.

                              3. How do you compose your pasta sauce? Because that's what you do, you don't just cook it...
                              Step one... look in fridge for vegetables about to go about. step two... dump in blender...
                              Visit First Cultural Industries
                              There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
                              Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd

