Originally posted by DanS
Interesting analysis, Rufus.
Perhaps if the Dems funded a defense policy institute, it would help them craft a coherent message. (Or perhaps they already do, but it is particularly ineffective.)
I would be interested in what you think the reason is for a lack of a deep bench on defense matters and how to solve it.
Interesting analysis, Rufus.
Perhaps if the Dems funded a defense policy institute, it would help them craft a coherent message. (Or perhaps they already do, but it is particularly ineffective.)
I would be interested in what you think the reason is for a lack of a deep bench on defense matters and how to solve it.
The problem is that this coalition was united by the idea that government can be a force for good, but divided on questions foreign affairs. Specifically, the progressive, northern, urban wing of the party tended to be internationalist, while the southern and midwestern populist wing of the party tended to be isolationist. Faced with that tension, the Dems really just ignored foreign policy and hoped their domestic profile could carry the day. I read Pelosi's comment as the latest chapter in that story.
Now, first of all, this means they're doomed to failure any time foreign policy helps shape the electoral agenda.
Beyond that, though, it means that they're failing because they refuse to understand their own situation. The party, at this point, has lost its isolationists to the GOP, and I've been reading some interesting analyses lately about how neo-coservative interventionism and paleo-conservative isolationism might be a new GOP fault line. The Dems, having lagely lost their Southern and the Plains-States support, at this point are left with internationalists, period. Virtually every singe Democratic voter believes in the UN, in multi-lateral force, in international law. At the level of belief, the Dems actually have a more unified vision of foreign policy than of domestic policy.
So why don't they just say this? Hell, why don't they shout it from the rooftops? I don't know. Maybe it tests badly in focus groups. Maybe they're afraid to be too sharply distinct from the GOP. Maybe they've just plain forgotten how to be a political party, how to stake out ideological turf and fight for hearts and minds. But bullsh!t like the stuff Pelosi's spouting is not what anyone wants, or needs, to hear right now. It's certainly not teh stuff that will bring teh Dems back to power in any branch of government, anytime soon.