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Suspected Terrorist = Actual Terrorist

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  • Originally posted by Donegeal
    DAMN! That was my second guess. Hey PH, I like the founding principles just as much as the next guy, in fact, back awhile when there was the tread about what was the one thing you'd want top pass along if our civ ever died out, it was the US Constution and Bill of Rights. Problem is, is that times change. Circumstances call for exceptions. None of the founding fathers forsaw jet liners flying into 110 story buildings.
    None of the founding fathers forsaw the Mass Media to consolidate and restrict news sources.

    None of the founding fathers forsaw the ease with which their words would be corrupted by those who pretend to have the nation's best interests at heart.

    What they did forsee is creating a nation whose institutions were strong enough to repel such encroachments on the few things they cherished and held above all else--liberty being one of them.

    Nowhere does it say security is one of the ideals that should found this state.


    • Originally posted by Mr. Harley
      You also didn't look at the cases I mentioned, Peace Activists banned from air travel for a significant length of time
      This should provide some dark amusement.


      • Originally posted by lord of the mark
        flash - The white house has now agreed to support the McCain amendment banning cruel and inhumane techniques Interrogation techniques.
        Better late than never, but I want to see the details about the deal that was made.

