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Life's little joys

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  • Life's little joys

    I'm finally turning the page after bastard fall.. I'm still not motivated, but I'm.. I'm getting there. I've finally started a school project too, one that I should have done a long time ago but I'm now doing it.

    I have a meeting tomorrow about another project off-school, that has to do something I could say is something I really enjoy and like.

    And now, I got my tax returns. I was expecting 100 euros, but instead I got 200 euros! As a prompt tax payer, I still didn't expect to get 200 back so.. basically even though my account now says 250 euros, it's the most money I had since summer when I was working, and this is AFTER rent . So I'm feeling great, I can spend 100 euros to what ever I want now... I'm thinking of buying a new shirt and pair of boxers and load of socks, and then go to a party.

    In da butt.
    "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
    "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.

  • #2
    Re: Life's little joys

    Originally posted by Pekka
    I'm thinking of buying a new shirt and pair of boxers and load of socks, and then go to a party.
    Live it high brother!


    • #3
      that's right! I haven't bought new shirt in.. a freakin .. over a year. Time to get one new. I almost feel wreckless, a whole hundred euros and anything goes ... A hundred euros, makes this much of a difference, yeah money is hella cool.

      In da butt.
      "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
      "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


      • #4
        I've asked my brother for some trendy togs for Christmas, because he's far cooler than me, and I might need to use them to get a new girlfriend.
        Cool brothers are cool!


        • #5
          So, 100 extra Euros. That's like, 120 extra US$ right?

          That could get you a really nice dinner at a fancy restaurant.


          • #6
            With a really nice lady at a really nice restaurant....


            • #7
              Originally posted by duke o' york
              With a really nice lady at a really nice restaurant....
              For 100 euros I think he'll have to settle for a dirty woman up against the back of Tescos.


              • #8
                Do they have Tesco in Finland? I've been to the Prague branch, but have never been to Finland.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by duke o' york
                  Do they have Tesco in Finland? I've been to the Prague branch, but have never been to Finland.
                  Well they have them in Wales, so I don't see why not!!


                  • #10
                    Why would you pay a hundred euros for a shirt and some underwear/socks? I'm sure there are some cheaper alternatives that dont rip to shreds after one use.
                    It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Footie Mad
                      Why would you pay a hundred euros for a shirt and some underwear/socks? I'm sure there are some cheaper alternatives that dont rip to shreds after one use.
                      But they wouldn't look as good.

                      "Clothes maketh the man"


                      • #12
                        Poor Pekka. In America with our capitalist Wal Mart, boxers are in 3 packs for about $5, the same for t shirts.
                        meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                        • #13
                          Footie, yeah but it's for all of it + party. Party takes some money too. YOu know I calculate party = start up alcohol + alcohol at the spot + snacks + food afterwards + bus ticket/ride back to home + morning hang over food. Oh and possible entrance fee.

                          So.. you know 100 euros is just cool for that, it means I won't be putting 100 for a shirt then again I might pay.. say 50 euros if it's a nice one, and then spend less for the rest.

                          mrmitchell, yeah but WalMart is evil. At least my money won't be off from chinese labour treated badly. Oh way.. sorry.. I guess it will be after all, just some of it goes to criminals like the tax buttholes.
                          In da butt.
                          "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                          THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                          "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                          • #14
                            And a smart man would save this 100 euros for the next month, money will be short agian but hey.. you have to do something once in a while with money. You can have lots of money and never have fun with it if you just buy 'the necessities'. I've worried about that for long enough, if I run out of necessities next month, too ****ing bad!

                            Just go wild with it.. wild night of hundred euros, I think I'll do that next week.. !
                            In da butt.
                            "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                            THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                            "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                            • #15
                              Life is full of little joys.

                              Try for discussion and debate.

