I listened to Pat Buchanan and then Amy Goodman tonight on Hardball w/Chris Mathews presenting pros and cons of the policy. Pat had me until Amy delved into the potential or likely effects. Pat's emphasis was that we were in a war and who doesn't use deception and propaganda. Hey, why should we put ourselves at a dis-advantage by not countering all the anti-American propaganda? Its not clear yet if the stories were lies or just reports of the good things being accomplished or both (apparently if it bleeds it leads is the journalistic standard with Iraqis too
But then Amy pointed out how this not only makes us look like liars to the Iraqi people, but how newspapers from around the world have been printing Iraqis stories highlighting the positive and now the world cant even trust the Iraqi press (dont know if anyone could anyway
I'd agree more with Pat as to the justification but with Amy on just how stupid this was. Gee, who was exposed fairly recently of buying "stories" with US media? These people are scaring me, seriously, the incompetence is stunning. Anyway, I'm not too surprised, but how the rest of the world views us in a highly stressful situation is less a concern to me than quickly and decisively winning this war.
Well, decisively anyway
But then Amy pointed out how this not only makes us look like liars to the Iraqi people, but how newspapers from around the world have been printing Iraqis stories highlighting the positive and now the world cant even trust the Iraqi press (dont know if anyone could anyway
I'd agree more with Pat as to the justification but with Amy on just how stupid this was. Gee, who was exposed fairly recently of buying "stories" with US media? These people are scaring me, seriously, the incompetence is stunning. Anyway, I'm not too surprised, but how the rest of the world views us in a highly stressful situation is less a concern to me than quickly and decisively winning this war.
Well, decisively anyway