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companies, wages, third world

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  • companies, wages, third world

    I've been thinking lately more about the.. race in China, race in many Asian countries most big companies have.. I mean it is a fact if you're selling mass products, and you want to be there with the big boys, you have to produce it in cheaper countries.

    I've always accepted the fact, and I believe free trade and business can lift the economies up in the poor nations, HOWEVER, it is not guaranteed. It's a tool, now what do we do with it is up to us. Can be bad, can be good.

    Now.. what I'm seeing now isn't encouraging to the .. extent that we are actually doing anything good. It's as if we figure and reason it out, it all matches, it makes sense, and then we leash this thing into the world, and just close our eyes and see what comes to our part. Then we go and blame the local governments and businesses that they're just not doing their part, thus they growth is lacking because of that OR if the growth is virtual (as in two people steal it all, while no one else benefits), we like to think it's really real and an example that we're going to the right direction.

    I'm NOT saying WTO etc are bad, I'm saying we should take more responsibility. I worked for a company that is well known around the world that at one part had ****ing gunmen guarding the poorest of the poor workers and it all traced back to some diamond trades etc, of course that wasn't the company's idea of things, that's just how it went further in the pipeline. Now this is my problem, when people say, it's not our problem what the others do. We should carry more responsibility to see, that the business done gets done correctly to our ethical and moral standards right to the last worker in the chain. If you are such a HUGE company you are doing it, why can't we expect them to put some resources into observing it all?

    If some Chinese dude gets two dollars a day, works every day, we say well China is a cheaper country. Well I don't see that dude lifting his standard of living, he lives, but that's it. So we created another **** job for someone. Who the **** cares? Even though spying gone to further extents than normal is usually illegal in your own country's working place, we know the big ones do it. They have good reasons but why can't they spy on their own places overseas in Asia? Spy on what the real situation is that is and not how much the workers will lie to you when you come and ask questions.

    It won't raise those communities anywhere, it just keeps them in the same position, but that position is **** position. And workers in the original countries, well most likely they aren't getting paid either, we know how it goes but..

    I don't see why this shouldn't be just called the exploitation of the 3rd world at this stage. What I propose is that we stop giving **** about the relative position of a company in fortune 500, by handing them with subsisides just based on some relative numbers, if they are big and making good profit, they can buy their own damn stuff, property etc. They don't need the states help, because who are they competing against isn't foreign companies anymore, because big companies use foreign resources to begin with. SO ultimately they are competing with local, smaller providers, and getting tax money to advance their position against them is nothing short of traitor communism.

    So, why can't we just stop the subsisides, and also make regulations about the company's responsibility to make sure they know what's going on on the other side, and actually not exploit but pay little more.

    SO the end product will be cheaper and thus poor people can afford stuff better.. well I don't see why we should worsen the problem and make more people poor by giving subsisides and eliminating competition, that's commie BS right there.
    In da butt.
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