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help me out: take a brief survey about your e-mailing habits.

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  • help me out: take a brief survey about your e-mailing habits.

    I'm working on a research paper on the interaction of different methods of internet based communication. I need some information on e-mailing habits.

    It'd be great if i could get about 25-50 responses answering these questions:

    1.) How many e-mails do you send per week?
    2.) How many personal correspondence e-mails do you send per week?
    3.) Do you usually open and close e-mails like you would a snail-mail letter (Using "Dear x" and "Yours Truly" or "sincerely" etc.)?
    4.) How many business-related mails do you get per week?
    5.) What is the average length of your business e-mails? (estimated number of words)
    6.) What is the average length of your personal correspondence e-mails?

    7.) Why would you e-mail someone instead of, say, using an IM service or writing at @ messag eto them on forums.

    Thanks .
    Last edited by evizaer; November 19, 2005, 19:59.

  • #2
    Re: help me out: take a brief survey about your e-mailing habits.

    Originally posted by evizaer
    I'm working on a research paper on the interaction of different methods of internet based communication. I need some information on e-mailing habits.

    It'd be great if i could get about 25-50 responses answering these questions:

    1.) How many e-mails do you send per week?

    2.) How many personal correspondence e-mails do you send per week?

    including CIV related near 100

    3.) Do you usually open and close e-mails like you would a snail-mail letter?

    quicker and much more anticipation

    4.) How many business-related mails do you get per week?

    25 +/-

    5.) What is the average length of your business e-mails? (estimated number of words)

    varies due to most involve excel/word attachments for reports,P & L statements, tracking charts and such

    6.) What is the average length of your personal correspondence e-mails?

    minimal to 30 words

    7.) Why would you e-mail someone instead of, say, using an IM service or writing at @ messag eto them on forums.

    I am responding to a question or requesting information plus I enjoy having the ability to show months later what was said
    Thanks .
    Hope this helps
    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • #3
      Re: Re: help me out: take a brief survey about your e-mailing habits.

      Hope this helps
      It sure does . The more responses i get, the better my end result will be.


      • #4
        Re: help me out: take a brief survey about your e-mailing habits.

        Originally posted by evizaer
        1.) How many e-mails do you send per week?
        Around 25.

        2.) How many personal correspondence e-mails do you send per week?

        About eight (30% of all sent emails).

        3.) Do you usually open and close e-mails like you would a snail-mail letter (Using "Dear x" and "Yours Truly" or "sincerely" etc.)?

        Yes, I do.

        4.) How many business-related mails do you get per week?

        That would be the other 70% (should be around 17 or so. Mind you, I'm in a calm period )

        5.) What is the average length of your business e-mails? (estimated number of words)

        Should be about 40 words.

        6.) What is the average length of your personal correspondence e-mails?

        I'm guessing 50 words here, but the fluctuation is huge

        7.) Why would you e-mail someone instead of, say, using an IM service or writing at @ messag eto them on forums.

        I use email (1) when there is no immediate need for response, (2) when documented correspondence is preferred, (3) when I need to attach large and/or many files, and (4) when I need to address a group of people (privately).

        Thanks .

        You're welcome. If possible, please feed back the results. I'm always interested in these things.
        Are you also running comparisons with non-Internet communication (like SMS or telephone)?


        • #5
          I don't know what your exact research question is, but I also noticed that you didn't include control variables (like age and gender).

          Control vars are great; they allow you to say things like "Younger people write shorter emails than older people" or "Women send more emails than men"


          • #6
            Originally posted by Zopperoni
            I don't know what your exact research question is, but I also noticed that you didn't include control variables (like age and gender).

            Control vars are great; they allow you to say things like "Younger people write shorter emails than older people"
            simple minds ya know

            "Women send more emails than men"
            This is a given though..
            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


            • #7
              Re: help me out: take a brief survey about your e-mailing habits.

              1.) How many e-mails do you send per week?


              2.) How many personal correspondence e-mails do you send per week?


              3.) Do you usually open and close e-mails like you would a snail-mail letter (Using "Dear x" and "Yours Truly" or "sincerely" etc.)?


              4.) How many business-related mails do you get per week?


              5.) What is the average length of your business e-mails? (estimated number of words)


              6.) What is the average length of your personal correspondence e-mails?


              7.) Why would you e-mail someone instead of, say, using an IM service or writing at @ messag eto them on forums.

              person not on IM or forum.
              Visit First Cultural Industries
              There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
              Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd


              • #8
                This research is only a small part of my paper. I don't need control variables because i'm looking for a general view. My paper is mainly presenting a theory that i am forming aboiut internet communications, not about the results of this not-very-well-constructed survey.

                Thanks for the input, anyway .


                • #9
                  Using last week's numbers, since it was probably a typical week and I haven't deleted them yet.

                  1.) How many e-mails do you send per week?


                  2.) How many personal correspondence e-mails do you send per week?


                  3.) Do you usually open and close e-mails like you would a snail-mail letter (Using "Dear x" and "Yours Truly" or "sincerely" etc.)?

                  Not unless it's somebody I don't know.

                  4.) How many business-related mails do you get per week?

                  ~285 (school & work combined)

                  5.) What is the average length of your business e-mails? (estimated number of words)

                  Varies greatly...maybe a paragraph or so on average (100 words?)

                  6.) What is the average length of your personal correspondence e-mails?

                  Usually a couple of sentences.

                  7.) Why would you e-mail someone instead of, say, using an IM service or writing at @ messag eto them on forums.

                  I use IM sometimes, but it's not asynchronous. I wouldn't write to them on a forum because they're generally not part of forums I go to.
                  "In the beginning was the Word. Then came the ******* word processor." -Dan Simmons, Hyperion


                  • #10
                    All of the above
                    3. no\
                    4 to the end none
                    i have email dont use it much at all dont care to. never send one unless asked to email info i have and other person needs' Have mother theat insists on sending chain letter emails therefore all are ignored unless i am expcting one. What can I say I am not that important
                    When you find yourself arguing with an idiot, you might want to rethink who the idiot really is.
                    "It can't rain all the time"-Eric Draven
                    Being dyslexic is hard work. I don't even try anymore.


                    • #11
                      Re: help me out: take a brief survey about your e-mailing habits.

                      Originally posted by evizaer
                      1.) How many e-mails do you send per week?
                      At least 25 on a quiet week

                      2.) How many personal correspondence e-mails do you send per week?
                      At least 10

                      3.) Do you usually open and close e-mails like you would a snail-mail letter (Using "Dear x" and "Yours Truly" or "sincerely" etc.)?
                      I normally start with 'hi X' and finish with 'cheers', 'regards' or 'thanks' depending on the context the email is sent in.

                      4.) How many business-related mails do you get per week?
                      At least 100

                      5.) What is the average length of your business e-mails? (estimated number of words)
                      100? - they tend to be short

                      6.) What is the average length of your personal correspondence e-mails?
                      About 100 words.

                      7.) Why would you e-mail someone instead of, say, using an IM service or writing at @ messag eto them on forums.
                      For work purposes (duh!) and because I don't like IM services - IMs are the lowest form of communication.
                      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                      • #12
                        Getting your responses from helpful people on an internet forum is not a random sample, are you aware of that and what it means for you inference? Nonprobability sampling techniques cannot be used to infer from the sample to the general population.


                        • #13
                          I'm aware of the biases involved.


                          • #14
                            Re: help me out: take a brief survey about your e-mailing habits.

                            1.) How many e-mails do you send per week?
                            2.) How many personal correspondence e-mails do you send per week?
                            3.) Do you usually open and close e-mails like you would a snail-mail letter (Using "Dear x" and "Yours Truly" or "sincerely" etc.)?
                            4.) How many business-related mails do you get per week?
                            5.) What is the average length of your business e-mails? (estimated number of words)
                            6.) What is the average length of your personal correspondence e-mails?
                            7.) Why would you e-mail someone instead of, say, using an IM service or writing at @ messag eto them on forums.
                            No reply required, comes to inbox (along with everything else), so doesn't require effort to check for replies, and won't get in way when someone does (pop chat box, eugh bad)
                            Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
                            Waikato University, Hamilton.


                            • #15
                              Re: help me out: take a brief survey about your e-mailing habits.

                              Originally posted by evizaer
                              1.) How many e-mails do you send per week?

                              Originally posted by evizaer
                              2.) How many personal correspondence e-mails do you send per week?

                              Originally posted by evizaer
                              3.) Do you usually open and close e-mails like you would a snail-mail letter (Using "Dear x" and "Yours Truly" or "sincerely" etc.)?
                              Depends on the recipient, normally they get more formal if I don´t know the recipient enough.
                              The better I know the person (regardless of personal or business contact) the less formal the messages get.

                              Originally posted by evizaer
                              4.) How many business-related mails do you get per week?

                              Originally posted by evizaer
                              5.) What is the average length of your business e-mails? (estimated number of words)

                              Originally posted by evizaer
                              6.) What is the average length of your personal correspondence e-mails?

                              Originally posted by evizaer
                              7.) Why would you e-mail someone instead of, say, using an IM service or writing at @ messag eto them on forums.
                              Ability to attach files to the message,
                              ability to store the message (better than having to search a mile long IM history for things I wrote )
                              recipient having no IM/Forum access
                              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"

