Originally posted by Arrian
I understand it just fine. That the person needs something and they're poor does not change anything w/regard to the cost of producing said needed thing. Thus, in order for the good (the drug) to be free for the person who needs it and is poor, someone else must absorb the cost. I assume you think that the pharma companies should pay, or perhaps 1st world governments? In the end *someone* is going to pay for it.
I understand it just fine. That the person needs something and they're poor does not change anything w/regard to the cost of producing said needed thing. Thus, in order for the good (the drug) to be free for the person who needs it and is poor, someone else must absorb the cost. I assume you think that the pharma companies should pay, or perhaps 1st world governments? In the end *someone* is going to pay for it.