The old one has vanished in a haze of grey, sort of ozone-y smelling smoke
So I went browsing today for receivers at a few different places. The two likelies I came back with are the Yamaha 657 and the Sony STRDE698.
The Yamaha is $600, taxes in, at the retailer. The Sony is $400, taxes in. Both seem fundamentally similar to me, but then, I'm no expert. Any experts around who can tell me whether the Yamaha is worth the extra 2 C's? Or failing that, who can recommend me a better receiver for roughly the same $?
Background - I will be using the thing to run my DVD, CD changer and television. I like the 7 channels and more flexibility (i.e. more inputs for future devices) is better.
I am not an audiophile.
I am not a heavy user of any of the components - but I would like them to sound nice.
The sony
The yamaha
So I went browsing today for receivers at a few different places. The two likelies I came back with are the Yamaha 657 and the Sony STRDE698.
The Yamaha is $600, taxes in, at the retailer. The Sony is $400, taxes in. Both seem fundamentally similar to me, but then, I'm no expert. Any experts around who can tell me whether the Yamaha is worth the extra 2 C's? Or failing that, who can recommend me a better receiver for roughly the same $?
Background - I will be using the thing to run my DVD, CD changer and television. I like the 7 channels and more flexibility (i.e. more inputs for future devices) is better.
I am not an audiophile.
I am not a heavy user of any of the components - but I would like them to sound nice.
The sony
The yamaha