1 - civic adds... Honda Civic has a new add campeign in which they reverse the second c so that it is the same backwards as it is forward... LAME! Also, their motto is now "reverse your thinking"... WTF does that mean?! Mean that dies WTF?!
2- I wake up at 5am and it sounds like god has decided that Cincinnati doesn't deserve to exist any more and that he'll damn with rain, wind, and loud banging that I have since learned is called "thunder". I think, FU god, and go back to sleep. I wake up around 8am and flip on the TV, and guess what, we were under a freaking Torando Warning at 5am! How the hell am I suppose to know to be scared unless the news tells me?! And how am I suppose to know what is on the news if I'm sleeping! Jesus! They spend the next 2 hours looking for tornados that never come, and then start rambling on about how god hates some area in Indiana/NW Kentucky more.
So, I'm gonna go get me a Honda and chase tornados... backwards! Ha!
2- I wake up at 5am and it sounds like god has decided that Cincinnati doesn't deserve to exist any more and that he'll damn with rain, wind, and loud banging that I have since learned is called "thunder". I think, FU god, and go back to sleep. I wake up around 8am and flip on the TV, and guess what, we were under a freaking Torando Warning at 5am! How the hell am I suppose to know to be scared unless the news tells me?! And how am I suppose to know what is on the news if I'm sleeping! Jesus! They spend the next 2 hours looking for tornados that never come, and then start rambling on about how god hates some area in Indiana/NW Kentucky more.
So, I'm gonna go get me a Honda and chase tornados... backwards! Ha!