Originally posted by SirOsis
gam n.
1. A social visit or friendly interchange, especially between whalers or seafarers.
2. A herd of whales or a social congregation of whalers, especially at sea.
v. gammed, gam·ming, gams
v. intr.
To hold a visit, especially while at sea.
v. tr.
To visit with.
To spend (time) talking or visiting.
They are also better for gaming.
gam n.
1. A social visit or friendly interchange, especially between whalers or seafarers.
2. A herd of whales or a social congregation of whalers, especially at sea.
v. gammed, gam·ming, gams
v. intr.
To hold a visit, especially while at sea.
v. tr.
To visit with.
To spend (time) talking or visiting.
They are also better for gaming.