For those in the know, circumstances prevented me from enlisting in the Air Force. However, the week after I got the news from the A.F., I received a call from the State.
After going through some bureaucratic redtape, I'm now in the career field I want.
I'm working at the local Community Correction Center. AKA: The local prison.
The great Chairman Yang would be proud. I'm in the pre-trial section of the prison but I'm also evaluating those misdemeanants that are sentenced for 1 year or less. So far it's a heck of a lot of reading due to procedures, but I love it.
It's pretty good so far, no big disturbances although I did get to see someone coming down off of meth. He was singing the Pledge of Allegiance and then the Star Spangled Banner.
After going through some bureaucratic redtape, I'm now in the career field I want.
I'm working at the local Community Correction Center. AKA: The local prison.
The great Chairman Yang would be proud. I'm in the pre-trial section of the prison but I'm also evaluating those misdemeanants that are sentenced for 1 year or less. So far it's a heck of a lot of reading due to procedures, but I love it.
It's pretty good so far, no big disturbances although I did get to see someone coming down off of meth. He was singing the Pledge of Allegiance and then the Star Spangled Banner.