Originally posted by Deity Dude
Do you really believe because I read "1 book by 1 respected scientist" that there is only 1 scientist who believes that there are problems with evolution. In his book he cites numerous other scientists and thier concerns.
Do you really believe because I read "1 book by 1 respected scientist" that there is only 1 scientist who believes that there are problems with evolution. In his book he cites numerous other scientists and thier concerns.
Besides, I havn't read any books about global warming nor have I read any books about those who don't believe in global warming. The debatability of an issue is not based on whether I read 0 books, 1 book or 1,000 books on a subject. Nor, is it really based on how many books are written on each side. If someone proposes a valid scientific challenge, I have no problem acknowledging it, whether I believe it, disbelieve it or aren't sure about it. I also hope that the challenges will continue to be looked into until there is a universal agreement on the issue in the scientific community.
The debate regarding global warming is not that the Earth has warmed, but why. There is little debate on the data, the question is on what explains the data. This is in no way analogous to the non-existant scientific debate on the data about Evolution.
I would not act as if the 2 sides were equal. I would merely point out that there are opposing scientific points of view. I think I clearly stated that by saying that, about 95% would be spent on the generally accepted theory and 5% would be spent on problems with the theory.
If the two isdes are so vastly unequal then mentioning this is really irrelevant, since as long as the students understood the prupose and workings of the scientific method it should be clear in their minds that what they are being taught is open to dicussion and possible future refutiation by new evidence-given the nature of the scientific process.
Also, I think there should be a slightly extra emphasis placed on new theories and challenges to existing theories. I think that would encourage students to be open minded and perhaps accelerate the pace at which they develop and discover. If nothing else it would help them develop the skills to "punch holes" in bogus theories.
Any science teacher wroth their salt, inmstead of prancing about trying to "be open minded", will instead impart to their students the most of the current accepted scientific information out there while having made it clear to them that this is science after all, not faith, and that they need to understand that in science nothing is writen in stone.