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Why must intelligent design be stopped

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  • is this world closer to a plain of hell ?

    how ever you move (up or down) about the plain

    its all depending how you lead your life
    anti steam and proud of it

    CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


    • See my sig
      be free


      • Originally posted by Patroklos

        Has anyone yet observed evolution?
        Ask the people with drug-resistant TB.


        • Originally posted by Patroklos
          Darwin observed specalizatio, NOT evoluton.
          This is funny on so many levels.

          Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
          Reductionism denies the existance of free will, while materialism, the influence of a spiritual world. In removing both from understanding people, I would think you lose a great deal of understanding why we are the way we are.
          Not at all. If science reaches the reductionist, materialist rock bottom and finds it has failed to construct an accurate picture, then additional variables can be added. I think it is likely that none will be needed.
          Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
          "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


          • Originally posted by Sn00py
            See my sig
            Actually, theoratical physicists are trying to awnser the why question as well.


            • Science is not all about reductionism. There is this little thing called emergence, things are not allways just the sum of thier parts.. As I said earlier, Darwinian evolution is an emergent feature of a self-replicating system with heredity.


              • Originally posted by Odin

                Actually, theoratical physicists are trying to awnser the why question as well.
                I know; they will probably fail or come to some obvious and therefore disappointing conclusion.

                I have also read that the world's most intelligent man (I think he lives in Florida) is trying to prove God exists using mathematics.
                be free


                • Originally posted by Odin
                  Actually, theoratical physicists are trying to awnser the why question as well.
                  Stick to biology. No scientist is trying to answer why. It's a silly question.


                  • Depends on context - why isn't a silly question in terms of simple cause and effect - though these imply the existance of a timeline, and thus may run into some problems. It is a silly question in terms of "what's the moral and emotional reasoning"


                    • Why is only meaningful in the context of an intelligent creator. If there is no god the question is meaningless anyway. It's a cheap way for religionists to prove the validity of religion through circular logic.


                      • Why is only meaningful in the context of an intelligent creator.

                        umm, not in "in-universe" (sorry about that ) questions.

                        Why was the earth created? because small planetoids orbiting the ancient sun were pulled together by gravity, etc.


                        • That's how. Why refers to purpose.


                          • You're correct, actually. This is the proper meaning of the words, although they're sometimes used improperly.


                            • You're correct, actually.

                              I was aware of this


                              • urgh.NSFW

