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Help me understand this?

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  • #16
    Forget the issue -- let's just spam about pedestals, hot guys, the evils of canned spinach, bad/good movies, drunk Apolytoners, and how gays helped win the American Civil War for the North.
    A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
      I'm not saying that all people making 25K are slackers, but I do not understand how they were unable to make changes in their lifes to move up a notch.

      Come on, you know the types I'm referring to.

      And yes, there are plenty of 100ker that are slackers as well.

      25k people are not middle class.
      nor are 100k people upper class.

      My parents were poor. When I was in high school, I owned 3 pairs of pants....only 3. One was for work.

      I did not go directly to college and worked crap jobs for a while not even making 25k.

      I worked and eventaully went to school, paid for it all myself. BS and MS degrees in EE working craptacular jobs.

      So I consider myself hardworking, maybe unrightly so. But I remember the slackers in high school, taking just enough classes to grad, then getting a mcjob, and then doing nothing.

      These are my slackers.

      The made fun of my estudious ways in high school, and now I'm paying for their healthcare.

      My property taxes send their kids to school.

      Maybe I should just give up and give them my paycheck directly.

      OTOH, I do not have a problem with help those that are putting in the effort, just seems like those folks are in the minority.
      And there is someone even higher up, wondering why he's having to pay so much in taxes to send your kids to school.


      • #18
        So amusing when people are angry because they feel they won't profit from their SS all because they aren't lucky enough to get cancer or anything.
        Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
        Then why call him God? - Epicurus


        • #19
          I doubt that he is that worried since he's fithly rich and will be retiring soon still making more than me.

          And BTW he still pays as much as me for the healthcare.
          We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
            I doubt that he is that worried since he's fithly rich and will be retiring soon still making more than me.
            I think that is the perspective of the 25kers.


            • #21
              Yes, but they are NOT paying the same as me.
              We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


              • #22
                Re: Help me understand this?

                Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
                At work:

                Health care cost, aka medical insurance, is dependent on the amount of salary that you earn.

                For instance the people earning $25k per year pay $25 dollars per paycheck and the people making $100k+ per year pay almost $60 per paycheck.

                How is this fair?

                I busted my azz going to school to get a good job and then I have to subsidize the health care costs of the slackers.

                That ain't right.
                quit yer b*tching!#@
                To us, it is the BEAST.


                • #23
                  Straight from the mouth of the biggest slacker on the board.
                  We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                  • #24
                    Im in favour of more tax for everyone....

                    everyones basic living costs are essentially the same. the 100ker has an extra 80k (-tax of course) of disposable income on top.
                    the 100ker might have to pay more SS but its just a small chunk out of a much larger disposable income (food/beer allowance)
                    Safer worlds through superior firepower


                    • #25
                      Is it remotely possible that part of your package includes short and long term disability as well as life insurance, and that those provisions pay out based on what you earn (to a maximum)?
                      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                      • #26
                        You think that's bad spaced?

                        I work for a hospital, make considerably less than you, but pay twice as much for the insurance the hospital! provides.

                        Every year we het a 3% raise, which is wiped out by the increase in insurance premiums.

                        So I don't feel for you at all. Except to say that, while I understand your angst, you seem to have a pretty sweet deal to me.

                        Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
                          Straight from the mouth of the biggest slacker on the board.
                          yeah but you don't see me ever b*tching about that kinda stuff do you?

                          hell no...

                          i just say fck it and rather kill myself

                          I learned a long time ago that life isn't fair...

                          you can't change it... crying about it won't do anything... suck it up and deal with it... if not... kill yourself... those are basically your two options.

                          you call me a "slacker"... as if that is a bad thing...

                          hell ****ing yeah I am a slacker... I don't want to work...

                          you want to work? are you a moron or something? You want to go waste 8 or more hours a day, 5 days a week, for the rest of your life until you are too old to work or until you die?

                          and for what? you will never be rich... for at best, living middle class mediocrity... having debt, paying a mortgage, stuck paying bills, working... **** THAT!!!

                          that life sucks... if that is what my life is going to be, I don't want to live... but the reality is, I can't live the way I am living forever. So unless I suddenly come up with $100 million or so, I'll probably eat a bullet in a couple years. That's about when I'll run out of money.

                          so quit b*tching... the people making less money than you are not lazy

                          that is such a stupid thing to say...
                          To us, it is the BEAST.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
                            But the breakdown stops at 100k, the freakin' CEO pays the same as I, how is that fair?
                            Because you're both well enough off not to need the corporate subsidy. You both pay the full amount minus the standard 60% or whatever the corporation pays for everyone...

                            It's like me asking why I get no EIC (earned income credit) just like the CEO of whatever, while the guy making 15k gets it. The CEO isn't 'getting the same thing as me', he's not getting anything, and I'm not either ... because we both make enough money to not need it.

                            You make 100k a year, and that means you don't need the help of your company ... the 25k person does. And trust me when I say that some people can't help being in jobs like that. Saying that even a decent percentage of them are 'slackers' and therefore don't deserve anything is a banal and horrible thing to say, and no different from saying "black people are stupid" or "latinos are lazy". You don't know them personally, so don't make a statement about that ...

                            Just think of it this way. If EVERYONE in the US - EVERYONE - works as HARD as possible, guess what? Someone still has to do the 25k a year jobs. Regardless of how hard they work ... there are only so many 100k jobs, and there are a much larger number of 25k jobs. Yes, in this imperfect world, some of the 25k people are 'slackers' ... but some of them came from a much worse place than you, sir, or were less lucky, or had worse circumstances thrust upon them.

                            I work in a retail establishment, where almost nobody except the very top management make more than 25k a year ... and while i agree that some of the people there aren't exactly the hardest workers, some of them work very hard also, in school or just trying to better themselves, but unable to get a better job ... and they need the help with their medical insurance, or else they'd not have medical insurance. Are you in a position where you feel you won't get insurance because of the cost? Hmm? Many of the people at my work have to make that decision ... most of them are able to afford it because of the company's generous subsidies for poorer employees, but many can't still ... and that's an awful choice to make.

                            You're being asked to contribute (assuming you get paid monthly) $720 a year in premiums, which is ... 0.7% of your total wages? A $25k a year person is contributing (assuming the same monthly payscale) $400 a year in premiums, which is ... 1.8% of their total wages. That's a lot of money to someone in that pay range, especially when if they have a family they might be spending $5k in taxes, $8-12k in rent/mortgage, and $2k in food - nearly $20k right there, and there are a lot of necessities i'm leaving out ...

                            So please stop thinking about yourself for a sec, and realize that there are other PEOPLE out there who merit some consideration as human beings ...
                            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Tuberski
                              You think that's bad spaced?

                              I work for a hospital, make considerably less than you, but pay twice as much for the insurance the hospital! provides.

                              Every year we het a 3% raise, which is wiped out by the increase in insurance premiums.

                              So I don't feel for you at all. Except to say that, while I understand your angst, you seem to have a pretty sweet deal to me.

                              There's that, too. $60 a month isn't a bad deal at all for health insurance, especially if it's GOOD health insurance. I pay $48 a month for basically crappy health insurance, and i'm one of those $25k a year people ...
                              <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                              I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by snoopy369

                                You make 100k a year, and that means you don't need the help of your company ... the 25k person does. And trust me when I say that some people can't help being in jobs like that. Saying that even a decent percentage of them are 'slackers' and therefore don't deserve anything is a banal and horrible thing to say, and no different from saying "black people are stupid" or "latinos are lazy". You don't know them personally, so don't make a statement about that ...

                                Just think of it this way. If EVERYONE in the US - EVERYONE - works as HARD as possible, guess what? Someone still has to do the 25k a year jobs. Regardless of how hard they work ... there are only so many 100k jobs, and there are a much larger number of 25k jobs. Yes, in this imperfect world, some of the 25k people are 'slackers' ... but some of them came from a much worse place than you, sir, or were less lucky, or had worse circumstances thrust upon them.
                                A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.

